September 2007
Back From Vacation
September 26, 2007
We were blessed to be able to take a family vacation in Florida in Disney World for six days. We were thankful to be able to reconnect with friends Ray and Teri Sommer and their kids Sofi and Nate.

Above L to R: Kira, Nate, Sofi, Ben and Elianna hanging out at Epcot.

Above: Kira checking out China at Epcot. As we strolled through the countries at Epcot, we happened to catch a chinese acrobat show. The kids enjoyed these unplanned shows just as much as the planned out rides.

Above: Allen and Ray with Elianna and Nate in Mexico at Epcot.

Above: We were able to stay in one of the Disney resort hotels. This allowed us to take public transportation to and from the parks. We had a great time!

Above: Ben's favorite ride, "Test Track". This ride takes you on a simulation of a car going through the paces of road testing. The end of the ride throws you accelerating forward toward a wall which at the last moment opens to transition your car onto a test track. The car continues to accelerate to almost 70 mph onto arching turns. Elianna's favorite ride was Dumbo, a basic park ride which spins and lifts up and down. Kira enjoyed the Disney Light Show Parade at night. Sharon and Allen put Splash mountain at the top of their list.
After our time in Disney, we spent a few days at Pioneers in Florida for rest and a debrief recalling the ups and downs of our last term in Hungary. We are now back in Delaware and are hoping to begin scheduling and visiting many of you in your small groups.

Above L to R: Kira, Nate, Sofi, Ben and Elianna hanging out at Epcot.

Above: Kira checking out China at Epcot. As we strolled through the countries at Epcot, we happened to catch a chinese acrobat show. The kids enjoyed these unplanned shows just as much as the planned out rides.

Above: Allen and Ray with Elianna and Nate in Mexico at Epcot.

Above: We were able to stay in one of the Disney resort hotels. This allowed us to take public transportation to and from the parks. We had a great time!

Above: Ben's favorite ride, "Test Track". This ride takes you on a simulation of a car going through the paces of road testing. The end of the ride throws you accelerating forward toward a wall which at the last moment opens to transition your car onto a test track. The car continues to accelerate to almost 70 mph onto arching turns. Elianna's favorite ride was Dumbo, a basic park ride which spins and lifts up and down. Kira enjoyed the Disney Light Show Parade at night. Sharon and Allen put Splash mountain at the top of their list.
After our time in Disney, we spent a few days at Pioneers in Florida for rest and a debrief recalling the ups and downs of our last term in Hungary. We are now back in Delaware and are hoping to begin scheduling and visiting many of you in your small groups.
Monday News
September 11, 2007

Above: New Bible School in session! Peti (Hungarian partner in ministry) will be teaching a course on the foundations of Christianity to many of our church members. I am so thankful for Peti's commitment to our body as he has been commuting to Petőfibánya to teach every other week for the past two years. I feel strongly that many members need a deeper understanding of the foundation truth's of what our Lord Jesus Christ taught. Peti will be leading them through a curriculum that will strengthen them in this area. Their first class was last Thursday and we praise God for Him drawing many to learn more about His Word.
Interest in being baptized:

Above: Gabi K. (with his sister) in 2003 at one of our children's ministries in Petőfibánya.

Above: Gabi K. in 2007 at our Evangelistic English Camp. God has weaved our lives together over the past 4 years with Gabi. He seemed to be one of the most promising children in 2003 when Miki was teaching a Bible class to kids. When Gabi became a teen, he disappeared for some time. We got back in touch with Gabi through our Sport's outreach in Petőfibánya in 2006 and he began attending our teenage Bible study off and on. After English camp this year, Gabi began attending our church for the first time and soon after expressed interest in baptism. As many of you know who are involved in children's ministry, you are investing with hope. I pray that Gabi's example will encourage you to press on in that ministry!
Along with Gabi, four others have expressed their interest in being baptized. Miki is currently meeting with them as they prepare for this important step of faith in their Christian lives. Please pray for Miki as he is taking on many of the responsibilities that I helped him with. Pray that he may have wisdom, discernment and the strength to continue to edify and lead the church to a deepening relationship with each other and with Jesus Christ.

Above: Ben returning from school on the big yellow bus. Unfortunately, Ben came down with a fever a few days ago and has missed school for a few days. After seeing the doctor today, it seems as if Ben had a virus which is no longer contagious. He will be returning to school tomorrow.

Above: One of Ben's counting assignments. I love his handwriting. Notice how many toes we have in our house.

Above: Getting used to how big our kitchen is. We are very blessed with the house that God has provided for us to rent while we are home on furlough. In our old kitchen in our apartment in Petőfibánya, there wasn't enough space to pass by another person without bumping into something. We don't have that issue here.

Above: The birthday celebrations never cease! Mom Mom and Pop Pop brought Elianna a special birthday cake as we celebrated Elianna's 4th birthday with Sharon's parents who did not attend her party last week.

Above: Kira getting a little too excited about mom's chive dip.

Above: Having fun with empty tissue boxes which work very well as castle blocks. Ben and Elianna enjoy building tall towers with them and watching them crash down.

Above: Kira preparing for our trip to Disney World next week, "Am I tall enough to go on Space Mountain?".
A wedding and a birthday party!
September 05, 2007

Above: Just when Kira thought we were through with traveling, it was time to pack up and leave for Michigan where we would witness the wedding union of our friends Roger and Heidi. The stroller above, provided by a gracious supporter, has been an awesome help! The wheels, legs and arms fold up leaving just the car seat. It has saved Allen's back as he is the one usually lugging around all the stuff.

Above: Our friends Jamie and Heidi and their daughter Elizabeth also live in Michigan. They are getting closer to their support goal as they plan on serving full time in Hungary with Pioneers.

Above: Some of the sights while making our way through Michigan.

Above: We were blessed by the hospitality of Kathy and Dick Bradstreet who have also served with us on short term missions in our English Camps. Kathy prepared a wonderful brunch for us on Saturday before Roger and Heidi's wedding. Jenna pictured far left has been to Hungary multiple times on short term trips. She is pursuing God's will for her in terms of long term missions.

Above: Kathy (our host for the weekend) also played the piano in Roger and Heidi's wedding.

Above: Proud mothers of Heidi and Roger.

Above: Heidi's father giving his daughter in marriage to Roger.

Above: A match made in Hungary. Heidi and Roger crossed paths while pursuing missions. It is amazing to consider how God caused a young man from California to be serving on the same team as Heidi from Michigan in Hungary.

Above: Kira having some fun at the reception.

Above: As we left Michigan, soon after lift-off, Kira fell asleep in mommy's arms. This was about the easiest flight we have ever experienced! Kira slept the whole time and we arrived in Philadelphia in a little over an hour.

Above: Hey dad, welcome home...look what I can do. We were thankful for the grandparents and uncles and aunts who volunteered to watch over Benjamin and Elianna while we were away. Ben excitedly told me how he went hiking one day. He said, "yeah, and we started in Delaware and we hiked all the way to Slovenia!" We said, "Slovenia?" He said, "Yeah! All the way to Slovenia!" "Umm, Ben, do you mean Pennsylvania?" "Uhh, yeah." Ben replies with a sheepish smile.

Above: We traveled to NJ to visit our cousins who hosted a birthday party for Elianna's 4th!

Above: Elianna with cousin Sophia.

Above: Benjamin devouring a cup cake and cousin RJ smiling away.

Above: The kids love cousin Alvaro who seems to have more energy than them!

Above: Grandpa (otherwise known as grumpy because grampy was pronounce grumpy by Elianna) navigating Kira's floaty boat.

Above L: Mommy and Kira after some fun pool time. Above R: Cousin Anna Beth with the giggles.

Above: Antonia was the super party planner as usual. She had great crafts for the kids and a special cup cake decorating table.

Above: Allen's brother RJ and dad, Bob.

Above: Grandma giving Elianna a birthday hug and kiss after a wonderful party.