September 2013
September 13, 2013

After taking a family vacation in late August, it was full time preparation for the new school year and also for a new season of ministry. Three of our kids, Benjamin, Elianna and Kira are back in school, while Ziva (1.5 years old) has some time before her first days in preschool.
In our team meeting we put our focus on younger believers (not by age, but by how long they’ve been Christians) that God has put in our midst that have shown perseverance and growth in their faith in Christ. We considered where God had used them, what their giftings were and how we could do a better job mentoring them. It was a joy to see that we had twenty ‘younger’ believers who had a variety of giftings spread out in four areas we are focusing on for church planting.
One of those twenty is Eniko, who was saved a few years ago in one of our English Camps. Eniko has been attending theological training since then and serving with joy in children’s ministry. Just this month, we heard great news of a new door God had opened in the town of Rozsaszentmarton, where our kids attend school. In years past, we have been denied all opportunity to bring a Bible class into their school, but because of changes in law and our established association with the Baptist Church of Hungary, Eniko will begin teaching this semester. In our hometown of Petofibanya, we received word that parents of ALL of the 24 kids who attend first grade returned registration forms for Eniko’s Bible class for Petofibanya’s public school. This is a great opportunity for follow up for many of these kids who also attend our VBS. Praise God for these new open doors and those Hungarians God is raising up to continue in His mission to reach the lost.
New works in Jászfényszaru
Every week, Hungarian team members Miki and Dezso commute to the town of Jaszfenyszaru where they hold a Bible study in the home of a married couple that they are mentoring. Just recently a young woman named Nelli began attending their study but had a background in a religious sect that made her confused. She was honestly looking for answers and clarification as to what the Bible teaches about God and Miki and Dezso gave her verses to study that would reveal truths about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. After discovering in her own studies at home what the Bible taught, she put her faith in Jesus Christ and was baptized. Soon after her conversion, Nelli had a job interview. Even though she passed the needed tests she got word that she would still not be hired. Sitting in her car weeping, Nelli prayed to God complaining that she was all alone. Then along with a strong gust of wind that passed through, she heard God speak, “I am here.” What an encouragement to Nelli about the reality of God’s presence that gives us sure hope as children of God!
Nelli is a contact of a woman named Margaret who Dezso and Miki met months ago. They sought to equip Margaret with direction from Luke 10 and gave her training in doing Discovery Bible studies. Margaret was a quick study and commented with excitement, “Now I know what to do!” Margaret continues to hold a Bible study in her house and is active in reaching out to others.

Above: A recent open door in Jászfényszaru to participate in the local high school’s picnic. This gave us opportunity to get to know some of the teachers and parents of kids.

Above: Miki and Gyozo setting up the crate climbing challenge for kids at the picnic.
Teammates Miki and Erika have been invited to teach in Jaszfenyszaru’s school this friday from a curriculum that explores life issues from a Biblical perspective. Please pray for them!
Romani in Apc
Every Thursday I hold a Bible study in the home of Zsolti and Vincse in the neighboring village of Apc. Unlike Petofibanya, Apc has a larger population of Romani Hungarians and we’re hoping to reach them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Roza who has come in the past requested that we meet at her house tonight. Apparently, her husband Miklos was hearing more about what we were talking about and had asked for a Bible last week and had been reading it. I could see some of the surprised expressions of some in the room who know Miklos’ past. He is known as a sinner.
I have never met Miklos and was excited to see what God would do in this new opportunity. When the rest of the group arrived, we agreed to walk down to Miklos' house for the Bible study. For the majority of the time, Miklos just sat listening as we surveyed chapter two of Philipians. Then, towards the end of the study he began asking specific questions about Satan and Jesus and about those who have never had a chance to hear the Gospel. He was thankful to hear the explanations and that he could understand what we were teaching. Miklos asked how Vincse and I know each other and she began relaying the story of meeting Sharon in the midst of digging through trash. Vincse shared how Sharon gave her a small package of food and Miklos, a man surely over 50 began crying as God’s love touched him. Vincse continued to share how we greet her with the traditional kisses on the cheek even though she was digging through trash and how she experienced how we show no partiality in expressing God's love. Miklos continued to cry amazed at her testimony. Then the whole group joined in with testimonies of how Jesus was healing, how He delivered Robi from his addiction to drugs and the great love they experience as they have fellowship on Sundays in our worship service.
When we prayed at the end of our meeting for different people, Miklos asked that we pray that he would repent and believe. Let's pray that this man known as a sinner will come to put his faith in Jesus and be known as one who has received a new life in Christ. Miklos also said, "I've been searching for the truth for a long time and just seem to get stuck in my search." I told Miklos that God would honor his search and tonight was a sure sign that he was bringing His truth into his life. He promises that those who seek Him will find Him. Please pray for Miklos!
Bogacs (Boe-gach)

Every Tuesday I’m able to hold Bible studies in the town of Bogacs. There is a Romani family that has opened up their home to me and count me as a close friend. I’m so privileged to have been invited into what God is doing among them!
I have been praying that God would give them a hunger for his word. In our last meeting I found out God was answering that prayer. Izabella told me that she felt as if someone was telling her to begin writing down verses that stood out to her and also verses that were related from other parts of the Bible. She said maybe some of what she wrote down might encourage others who believe. Then she said, “But I thought it might not be a good idea so I didn’t do it.” I exclaimed, “No, it’s a great idea! God is teaching you!” I never once mentioned journaling to her, or writing down anything. This idea was given to her by the Holy Spirit. “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” (John 14:26) Please pray for the family in Bogács to have a growing passion for God’s word and a clear understanding of His Gospel.
“InTent” Leadership Training

I (Allen) just got back from Thailand from my final residential in “InTent” leadership training provided by Pioneers to field leadership. The name “InTent” comes from the holy habit of Moses who used to take a tent and pitch it far off from camp to meet the LORD. It was in this tent of meeting that, “The Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.” (Ex 33:11) Jesus had this same habit, “Rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” (Mark 1:35) I’m very thankful for those who have invested in my life to see me grow as a man of God. God has used this training over the years to bring renewal in my soul and equip me to be a better servant for His kingdom.

Above: A shot of the “desolate place” I am making a habit of going to meet with God in the hills above Petofibanya. Over the past year, prayer has become a spiritual necessity instead of a spiritual discipline.
Family Photos
