July 2006
Sunday Worship
July 30, 2006
Above: Baby Kira getting cuter by the minute. Kira is healthy and enjoying learning how to swat and grab Sharon's hair.
This morning, Miki, Erika, Dezsô, Márcsi and I spent some time in prayer together before driving to a neighboring village to visit a Baptist church. Miki was able to serve by leading a time of musical worship, and we were thankful for seeing the members love for Christ and hearing their hearts as they prayed. At the same time, we saw the need for a broader spectrum of people reached with the Gospel, as the members of this church were all elderly. This church has asked us for help in evangelism and we are praying and seeking God's will in knowing the extent of our working together.
Above: The Baptist church in Selyp (a five minute drive from Petôfibánya).
In the evening, we held our worship service in our local community center. We were thankful to see a few new faces! Erik (pictured below center with orange t-shirt), who was saved last week, brought another friend.
Above: Why are you lighting an Advent Wreath? Because we will be celebrating Christmas next week...in VBS that is. The theme of our VBS is based on holidays and their meaning. We will be celebrating many of the major holidays and explain the true reason to celebrate them.
Above: Emily (on a short term missions team) did an excellent job helping out on keyboard and our teammate Brenda led vocals on Sunday.
Above: Celebrating two birthdays-Gabi S. and Erika (Miki's wife).
Dezsô (pictured below center) is going through a transformation time in his heart gaining a great burden for the lost and for his role in the church. Last night, he said, "Do you remember when I said I didn't need to go to church...when I said what use is the church?" He said this with amazement as he now understands the necessity and blessing of the local church. He also said, "If you would have told me 7 years ago that there would be a church in Petôfibánya and I would be serving in it, I would have laughed and continued drinking my hard liquor." We clearly saw that what has happened in Dezsô's life and in the life of a new church plant in Petôfibánya was miraculous. Dezsô said, "It could only be the work of God." As we discussed these things and gave glory to God, it gave us a greater hope for the future and the wondrous things that will happen because of God's grace and love being poured out in Hungary.
Friday News
July 28, 2006
This morning meeting, we were able to meet as a focus group team. It has been some time since we have been together, as we have served in a camp and Miki also served in two separate camps for children and teens. The focus of our time was on prayer and also preparing for our upcoming VBS in Petôfibánya. We expect 40 children to come and will continue planning and preparing throughout next week.
Thinking back to the way we prayed in today's meeting, I saw how specific God answered throughout the day. We focused on a few people who have simply disappeared. We also prayed for God to bless our 'random' conversations with people we see in our daily routine.
Before heading off to play soccer with the teens, I visited Gabi (below far left). He recently got a computer and has been chatting over the internet with some of the campers that I was able to personally speak to at camp about Jesus Christ. Timi (below middle) and Fanni (below far right) were online, and I was thankful to hear Timi tell me that since camp, she believes in God. She said there are a lot of people who deny his existence, but she is searching and now reading the Bible. She said that she hopes to find Him someday. I encouraged her that if she truly seeks, she would truly find. Timi and Fanni live very far away from Budapest and also far from Petôfibánya. Please pray that they would find the truth in Jesus Christ and also a church where they could grow in their faith.
Two of the teens that we prayed for this morning (that we haven't seen in ages) came to play soccer. Milán and Gabi T. both made decisions to put their trust in Jesus last year, but a few months ago they stopped participating and coming to anything we did. Please pray that these young men would have a renewed desire to know God and to follow after their Lord and Savior.
Below from L to R: Oliver, Milán and Gabi
After returning home from soccer, I ran into two girls that stopped me in the hallway to ask, "Are you afraid of evil spirits." I was a bit surprised initially at the question from these 10 year old girls. They continued to show me an article in a magazine that one was holding about a possessed dog that had some sort of evil power. I told them that I wasn't afraid because I have a personal relationship with God, who is more powerful and greater than any evil spirit. I told them if they were interested in finding out more about Him, they were welcome to come to our church service on Sunday. Please pray for them that they may seek freedom from fear by exploring what we teach from the Bible in church. Pray that they may find salvation in the Son of God.
Thinking back to the way we prayed in today's meeting, I saw how specific God answered throughout the day. We focused on a few people who have simply disappeared. We also prayed for God to bless our 'random' conversations with people we see in our daily routine.
Before heading off to play soccer with the teens, I visited Gabi (below far left). He recently got a computer and has been chatting over the internet with some of the campers that I was able to personally speak to at camp about Jesus Christ. Timi (below middle) and Fanni (below far right) were online, and I was thankful to hear Timi tell me that since camp, she believes in God. She said there are a lot of people who deny his existence, but she is searching and now reading the Bible. She said that she hopes to find Him someday. I encouraged her that if she truly seeks, she would truly find. Timi and Fanni live very far away from Budapest and also far from Petôfibánya. Please pray that they would find the truth in Jesus Christ and also a church where they could grow in their faith.
Two of the teens that we prayed for this morning (that we haven't seen in ages) came to play soccer. Milán and Gabi T. both made decisions to put their trust in Jesus last year, but a few months ago they stopped participating and coming to anything we did. Please pray that these young men would have a renewed desire to know God and to follow after their Lord and Savior.
Below from L to R: Oliver, Milán and Gabi
After returning home from soccer, I ran into two girls that stopped me in the hallway to ask, "Are you afraid of evil spirits." I was a bit surprised initially at the question from these 10 year old girls. They continued to show me an article in a magazine that one was holding about a possessed dog that had some sort of evil power. I told them that I wasn't afraid because I have a personal relationship with God, who is more powerful and greater than any evil spirit. I told them if they were interested in finding out more about Him, they were welcome to come to our church service on Sunday. Please pray for them that they may seek freedom from fear by exploring what we teach from the Bible in church. Pray that they may find salvation in the Son of God.
Family Time
July 27, 2006
After the intense time of serving in this years English camp, we were able to spend some family time together at Vidám Park (Happy Park). We promised Ben that we would take him there to celebrate his birthday (which was July 1st). The weather was perfect, and the kids had a great time.
Above L: Sharon and Elianna riding a beautifully restored carousel (built in 1906). Above R: Ben in a very european bus.
Above: Look closely and you'll see Sharon and Elianna braving a wooden roller coaster that uses no restraints! Jenna, who also served in the English camp is seated directly behind them. Jenna is seeking to serve full time in Hungary, and we had an enjoyable time with her over the past few days as she visited Petôfibánya.
We thank God for the family time and for the perfect weather to enjoy the day. I am also thankful that God has protected us from sickness (especially me) as I was physically drained at the end of camp.
Below from L to R: Dávid, Allen, Erik and Csaba. As most of you read in our previous post, Erik was invited to church by Dávid last Sunday. After hearing the gospel, Erik decided to put his faith in Jesus. Please pray for Erik, that God would bless him with wisdom, a strong faith and an understanding of God's amazing love and grace.
Above L: Sharon and Elianna riding a beautifully restored carousel (built in 1906). Above R: Ben in a very european bus.
Above: Look closely and you'll see Sharon and Elianna braving a wooden roller coaster that uses no restraints! Jenna, who also served in the English camp is seated directly behind them. Jenna is seeking to serve full time in Hungary, and we had an enjoyable time with her over the past few days as she visited Petôfibánya.
We thank God for the family time and for the perfect weather to enjoy the day. I am also thankful that God has protected us from sickness (especially me) as I was physically drained at the end of camp.
Below from L to R: Dávid, Allen, Erik and Csaba. As most of you read in our previous post, Erik was invited to church by Dávid last Sunday. After hearing the gospel, Erik decided to put his faith in Jesus. Please pray for Erik, that God would bless him with wisdom, a strong faith and an understanding of God's amazing love and grace.
Sunday Worship
July 23, 2006
Above: We thankful to have Adria, Lisa, Sandy and Sara (pictured above) from our home church in Delaware visit us tonight in Petôfibánya's church service. Campers Gabi, Zoli, Ádam, Dávid (all from Petôfibánya) and Csaba (from a neighboring village) came to service tonight. Zoli brought his mother and grandmother and Dávid brought his friend Erik.
Todd, (PI teammate) did an awesome job leading our musical worship time with Andris, Lianna and Brenda. Andris and Adria gave their testimonies. I delivered a short simple gospel message based on John 3:16. I sensed that many people were praying for me and for those in our service who had not yet made a decision.
I rejoice in telling you that after the service, I saw Erik leave the room with his friend Dávid. They were headed to the room that we often go to for private conversation or prayer. Zoli and Csaba (from Petôfibánya -not camper Csaba) also joined them in that room. Erik decided to put his faith in Jesus tonight! This was his first time in our church, and it was the perfect time for him to enter to hear the good news explained! Please pray for Erik and that Dávid and I would have more opportunity to disciple Erik. Pray that he would be protected from the enemy and that he would grow in his faith as he reads God's word.
Please also pray for all of those who served in the camp that we would be refreshed and recover from the intense 10 days of ministry.
July 22, 2006
Above: Gathering those who have been saved or are young believers and teaching them the basics of growing in the faith through a memorable hand illustration.
Above: Closing ceremonies. We congratulated each student giving them a certificate of class completion and a group photo. I was able to complete a short film with highlights of the past 10 days of camp-the campers loved it! Later, we sang worship songs together and Todd encouraged the campers to continue to seek after truth and process all that we have taught them through God's word over the past 10 days.
Above: S M O R E S!!! By a campfire, Katie gave her testimony, and afterwards, Dávid (from Petôfibánya) shared how he is processing suffering in his life and encouraged students to forgive others.
Above: The next morning: Getting a group hug before entering the bus.
Above L: Csaba (from a neighboring village) hopes to be able to visit our church service tomorrow. Above R: Niki (left) talking with our hungarian teammate Janka. Niki let someone know at camp that she made a decision for Jesus last year, but kept it to herself. Throughout the week, she was very attentive in the Bible studies and seemingly full of joy. Please pray that Niki would come to understand the importance of fellowship and a local church.
Above: Hoping to see you soon!
Day 9
July 21, 2006
Above: This morning, instead of reading a story from the Bible, we explained the gospel mesage with various verses. We are thankful to have this opportunity to clearly present the gospel. I sense that this year is more about seed planting. Camper Zoli who came late because of sickness, has been opening up. He told me last night that he really appreciates the book I gave him and since our conversation, he has a new desire to read the book. There are many others that are processing all the things they have seen and heard this week. We pray that the seeds being planted would bear much fruit!
Above: Tonight's activity sent campers in groups of two to various tables to ask questions from the teachers. The teachers revealed one to two sentences that would in the end reveal an interesting true story. They had a great time!
Day 8
July 20, 2006
Above L: Dávid finding the strangest bugs outside.
Above R: Our confidence each day rests in almighty God!
Above L: I have had opportunity to discuss spiritual things with Zoli. The other night, I brought a book that specifically answers questions that he is asking about Christianity and offered it to him. I was thankful for his response, as he accepted the book with a smile and thanked me. Tonight's lecture was perfect for him to continue to answer the question of why we have this hope in us.
Above R: Gabi S. (from Petôfibánya) has been a friend to Zoli and also hopes for Zoli to turn to Jesus.
Above: Teammate Heidi held an optional session for women on purity. From what I could see as they were exiting, the room was packed. I was thankful to see so many young teenage girls drawn to hear God's desire for their lives in relationships.
Above: Gospel night was powerful. Pastor Ronny commuted from Danube Church in Budapest. He walked the teenagers through the overwhelming proofs of the existence of God and the validity of His Son Jesus Christ. After all these proofs, he told the teenagers, "Proof will not guarantee that you will believe." I trust that through this message many barriers to faith have been broken down. This was evident as throughout the campgrounds, we saw one on one conversations afterwards. Some were in tears, some were shaken and asking deep questions. This morning, (as I write this) we will have our Gospel lesson in morning reading time. In this lesson we read through scripture that explains the gospel.
Day 7
July 19, 2006
Above: The highlight of my day. Zoli and Dávid who are members of our church in Petôfibánya performed a drama illustrating the story of Philip meeting the eunuch on a desert road. They modernized it and chose to have Zoli reading John 3:16. Zoli asked Dávid, "I'm just not sure what this means, can you explain it to me?" Dávid then clearly presented the gospel before all the campers! Just the night before this, Dávid told me how he was very hesitant to speak to people because he speech isn't very clear and sometimes not very concise. I encouraged him with the words of Paul to the Corinthians.
"Brothers and sisters, when I came to you, I didn't speak about God's mystery as if it were some kind of brilliant message or wisdom. While I was with you, I decided to deal with only one subject--Jesus Christ, who was crucified. When I came to you, I was weak. I was afraid and very nervous. I didn't speak my message with persuasive intellectual arguments. I spoke my message with a show of spiritual power so that your faith would not be based on human wisdom but on God's power." (1 Corinthians 2:1-5)
Above: Holding our Bible study in the morning at the water park.
Above L: We had lots of fun at the park and we thank God that there were no serious injuries. Above R: Please pray for Csaba. He has had a fever for the past two days and because of a lack of other symptoms we are having problems diagnosing his sickness. Tonight is 'Gospel Night' and we hope that Csaba is well so that he may hear the good news!
Day 6
July 18, 2006
Above: Allen and Gabi (from Petôfibánya). Gabi shared some struggles he is having in camp standing firm in the faith. We were able to talk open and honestly and pray together. Later in the day, we both saw answers to our prayers!
Above: In bible reading time, we saw the life of Jairus in begging Jesus to heal his dying daughter.
Above: Today's activity was number war. Two teams, numbers strapped their forehead and lots of trees provide for a fun time!
Above: Kids beginning to connect with each other. We are thankful that most campers are finding others to make friends with!
I was thankful that I was able to pray with Zoli in the morning for campers and for workers. I was thankful for a divine appointment with a group of teens that I have not been able to really connect with. I had a conversation with them that went all the way to my testimony and a clear presentation of the gospel. I could see that as the 7 teenagers at the picnic table asked and listened, the Spirit was moving in their hearts bringing conviction. They are definitely thinking more about what it means to receive Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Please pray specifically for those were involved in this conversation: Fanni, Timi, Ákos, Wilmos, Zoli, Bence, Gergely! (You can click on any of their names to see their picture)
Day 5
July 16, 2006
Above: Today we held an optional worship service. We praise God for drawing many of the students to the service. I was privileged to share the gospel in my message. I was thankful for Dia and Csaba coming to me after service and telling me that it has caused them to think more about their response to Jesus' good news. Please pray for them!
Above: Daily visit from the family! Yesterday Kira giggled from the belly for the first time. Please continue to pray that Shraron would have strength and wisdom to care for our 3 children during this camp.
Above: Let the games begin! We traveled downtown for a video scavenger hunt. It was an enjoyable time doing embarrassing things with our conversation group (like being wrapped to a pole with toilet paper).
Above: Can your team fit into the phone booth?
Above L: Cathy and Andris announcing the winners to tonight's scavenger hunt. Above R: Some of the teenagers we hope to reach with the gospel in this camp.
Day 4
July 15, 2006
Above L: Zoli (from Petôfîbánya) enjoying his unique hot-dog sandwich for breakfast. Above R: Please pray that Lidia will go beyond connecting with teachers and find a friend at camp. It is difficult for her, as she didn't come with a girlfriend like many of the other campers.
Above L: Studying the transformation of the apostle Paul in the book of Acts. Above R: My Bible reading class.
Above L: Zoli who just arrived to camp last night is fitting right in. I am thankful for campers like Dávid (on his left) helping him feel comfortable at camp. Above R: My students, Veronika and Niki. Both have seemed to know lots of answers in their separate Bible reading classes. Please pray that they come to fully understand the gospel and be saved.
Above: Talent night was full of fun and laughs! I was proud of my teenagers from Petôfibánya who sang a worship song in front of everyone! Every year, 'Kázmir' (above) makes a surprise appearance. This year he performed his own rendition of the Phantom of the Opera with handmade puppets. We were in tears!
Above: Closing the night by singing worship songs together. We are thankful for a group of campers this year that fully participates in singing with us!
Tomorrow, we will have an optional worship service. Please pray for these kids to come to know the Savior. Please pray that I would be led by God in preparing and that God would bless Vera as she translates tomorrow.
Day 3
July 15, 2006
God has sustained beautiful weather for us to spend the majority of our time outside. This is a blessing as some of the classrooms this year are in terrible condition (mold, ants, seating, leaking...) Although the third day feels the most exhausting, God gave us strength and we continue to see campers and teachers connecting on a deeper level.
Above L: Sharon visits every morning with the kids and we are able to eat breakfast together. Please pray for her, as she will no longer have the help of our friend Karen helping care for our three kids through this camp time. Above R: Heidi (far right) gets the girls together to make some creative announcements for the day's camp activities.
Above: Bible reading hour. On day 3, we read about Nicodemus and of course John 3:16! In the midst of the study, two students revealed that they believe that the way to heaven is through good works. I was able to direct them back to the Bible and how Nicodemus believed the same thing when he came to meet with Jesus. However, Jesus' first words to Nicodemus were, "You must be born again". Hopefully, this has helped them to think about their current beliefs, and be more aware about what Jesus actually teaches.
Above L: Milán taking an afternoon break in the cool grass. Above R: Zoli, who had been sick for the past few days was healed by God and arrived today to camp. Zoli is staying in my room and has not yet received the gospel. Please pray for Zoli!
Above: One of the many conversation groups performing their team cheer to start tonight's activities. Each conversation group competed in games like frisbee golf, volleyball, and other fun games.
Above L: Passing a soaked sponge overhead in a 'fill the bucket' game. Above R: Dávid (from Petôfibanya far right) getting ready to play an adapted volleyball game.
Above L: Having some fun with a huge volleyball. Above R: Camp leader Todd directing a ball to the goal by blowing through a straw.
Above: Ending the night by launching water balloons at Todd. Out of all the teams, only Sandy (from our home church) was able to find the target. Go Sandy!
Above L: Sharon visits every morning with the kids and we are able to eat breakfast together. Please pray for her, as she will no longer have the help of our friend Karen helping care for our three kids through this camp time. Above R: Heidi (far right) gets the girls together to make some creative announcements for the day's camp activities.
Above: Bible reading hour. On day 3, we read about Nicodemus and of course John 3:16! In the midst of the study, two students revealed that they believe that the way to heaven is through good works. I was able to direct them back to the Bible and how Nicodemus believed the same thing when he came to meet with Jesus. However, Jesus' first words to Nicodemus were, "You must be born again". Hopefully, this has helped them to think about their current beliefs, and be more aware about what Jesus actually teaches.
Above L: Milán taking an afternoon break in the cool grass. Above R: Zoli, who had been sick for the past few days was healed by God and arrived today to camp. Zoli is staying in my room and has not yet received the gospel. Please pray for Zoli!
Above: One of the many conversation groups performing their team cheer to start tonight's activities. Each conversation group competed in games like frisbee golf, volleyball, and other fun games.
Above L: Passing a soaked sponge overhead in a 'fill the bucket' game. Above R: Dávid (from Petôfibanya far right) getting ready to play an adapted volleyball game.
Above L: Having some fun with a huge volleyball. Above R: Camp leader Todd directing a ball to the goal by blowing through a straw.
Above: Ending the night by launching water balloons at Todd. Out of all the teams, only Sandy (from our home church) was able to find the target. Go Sandy!
Day 2
July 14, 2006
If you would like to see specific prayer requests please visit: http://englishcamp2006.blogspot.com/
Above: After breakfast and an introductory clip from a film based on the book of John, we met in groups for our daily Bible reading class. Zoli (above from Petôfibánya) approached me later in the afternoon and told me about a camper who seems to be by himself in camp. Zoli took some of the teens from Petôfibánya to help him feel more welcome and comfortable!
Above: To find some relief from the summer heat, the kids 'hike it' to a lake.
Above: Lidia (from our area) in the front of her team's line getting ready for activity night.
Above: Heading back after finishing games and enjoying a beautiful sunset.
Above: Closing activity time with singing worship songs together.
Above L: From L to R: Niki and Veronica (my students this year) and Frubi. Above R: Having some fun playing pictionary (or let's say Zoli having fun playing)
If you would like to see specific prayer requests please visit: http://englishcamp2006.blogspot.com/
Above: After breakfast and an introductory clip from a film based on the book of John, we met in groups for our daily Bible reading class. Zoli (above from Petôfibánya) approached me later in the afternoon and told me about a camper who seems to be by himself in camp. Zoli took some of the teens from Petôfibánya to help him feel more welcome and comfortable!
Above: To find some relief from the summer heat, the kids 'hike it' to a lake.
Above: Lidia (from our area) in the front of her team's line getting ready for activity night.
Above: Heading back after finishing games and enjoying a beautiful sunset.
Above: Closing activity time with singing worship songs together.
Above L: From L to R: Niki and Veronica (my students this year) and Frubi. Above R: Having some fun playing pictionary (or let's say Zoli having fun playing)
If you would like to see specific prayer requests please visit: http://englishcamp2006.blogspot.com/
Welcome To Camp
July 13, 2006
If you would like to see specific prayer requests please visit: http://englishcamp2006.blogspot.com/
Above: Without delay or problems, the bus pulled up around 2:00 yesterday with this year's campers.
Above L: Allen catching a moment of rest while the students take their placement tests that determine which classes they will be in. Above R: Lisa (from our home church in Delaware) testing Csaba (who lives very close to Petôfibánya).
Above L: Ádám and Zoi (from Petôfibánya) helping us unload some fans to bear the blazing hot weather. Above R: Finished testing and getting to know each other before dinner.
Above L: Uh ohhh. Here comes the rain! Thankfully, it rained at a time when we didn't need to be outside. Above R: Some students leading us to their room, to show us a sudden ant infestation in their beds-maybe from the rain?)
Above L: Dinner time. The Petôfibánya boys fillin' their rumbling stomachs. Above R: Elianna-Daddy, it's too loud in here!
Above: God bringing the sun back out for evening activities
Above: Ending the night with a time of singing. We praise God for the students 'jumping right in' and singing with excitement. We have a great group this year and we hope they will all be brought to understand the gospel of hope!
If you would like to see specific prayer requests please visit: http://englishcamp2006.blogspot.com/
Above: Without delay or problems, the bus pulled up around 2:00 yesterday with this year's campers.
Above L: Allen catching a moment of rest while the students take their placement tests that determine which classes they will be in. Above R: Lisa (from our home church in Delaware) testing Csaba (who lives very close to Petôfibánya).
Above L: Ádám and Zoi (from Petôfibánya) helping us unload some fans to bear the blazing hot weather. Above R: Finished testing and getting to know each other before dinner.
Above L: Uh ohhh. Here comes the rain! Thankfully, it rained at a time when we didn't need to be outside. Above R: Some students leading us to their room, to show us a sudden ant infestation in their beds-maybe from the rain?)
Above L: Dinner time. The Petôfibánya boys fillin' their rumbling stomachs. Above R: Elianna-Daddy, it's too loud in here!
Above: God bringing the sun back out for evening activities
Above: Ending the night with a time of singing. We praise God for the students 'jumping right in' and singing with excitement. We have a great group this year and we hope they will all be brought to understand the gospel of hope!
If you would like to see specific prayer requests please visit: http://englishcamp2006.blogspot.com/
Hello From Camp!
July 11, 2006
Today, the 35 team members converged in Budapest to take the 3.5 hour drive out to the campgrounds. We are thankful that even in this blazing hot weather, all 8 cars (of various ages or shall we say maturity) survived the trip. Unfortunately, Val and Brenda have to travel back tonight because of a forgotten piece of luggage.
Please pray for Val and Brenda for the long drive back to camp.
The first few days are pivotal as far as setting the stage of the entire 10 days of camp. Often the first few days can feel chaotic and because of fatigue, there is an open door for the enemy to cause frustration and division within the team. Therefore...
Please pray that each of us would walk according to the mind of Jesus.
Pray that we would be given wisdom and strength to carry out our different roles with love and unity in Him.
We are nearing the end of the night here. Todd led us in a time of praise to God, and encouraged us to look forward to the plans God has for the campers AND the plans He has for us. Praise God for an encouraging time of worship and prayer that have built up a proper expectation of God using this camp for His glory!
If you would like to know more ways you can pray, please visit: http://englishcamp2006.blogspot.com/
Above L: Some of the 'brains' behind the camp. Todd and Andris Above R: Vera with her son Ilés will be helping by translating this year. Vera is one of my main translators for sermons in Petôfibánya.
Above L: The kids did a great job bearing the long car ride today. Above R: Lots and lots of heavy luggage-yikes.
Above L: Erika helping carry in all the equipment we will use for teaching. Above R: Where we will be staying this year for camp.
Above: A very satisfying dinner after a long day of travel, and unpacking.
Please pray for Val and Brenda for the long drive back to camp.
The first few days are pivotal as far as setting the stage of the entire 10 days of camp. Often the first few days can feel chaotic and because of fatigue, there is an open door for the enemy to cause frustration and division within the team. Therefore...
Please pray that each of us would walk according to the mind of Jesus.
Pray that we would be given wisdom and strength to carry out our different roles with love and unity in Him.
We are nearing the end of the night here. Todd led us in a time of praise to God, and encouraged us to look forward to the plans God has for the campers AND the plans He has for us. Praise God for an encouraging time of worship and prayer that have built up a proper expectation of God using this camp for His glory!
If you would like to know more ways you can pray, please visit: http://englishcamp2006.blogspot.com/
Above L: Some of the 'brains' behind the camp. Todd and Andris Above R: Vera with her son Ilés will be helping by translating this year. Vera is one of my main translators for sermons in Petôfibánya.
Above L: The kids did a great job bearing the long car ride today. Above R: Lots and lots of heavy luggage-yikes.
Above L: Erika helping carry in all the equipment we will use for teaching. Above R: Where we will be staying this year for camp.
Above: A very satisfying dinner after a long day of travel, and unpacking.
Tomorrow off to camp
July 10, 2006
Today we had our last meeting to discuss travel details to the campers from Petôfibánya. Our family will be leaving one day early (tomorrow morning) to join the other camp staff in final preparations on location. On Wednesday, the campers will be meeting in Budapest and taking a bus together to camp. Please pray for their safety as those from Petôfibánya and surrounding areas commute to the city.
Below: Campers from our immediate area who are attending camp this year.
Above far Right: Lidia has decided to attend camp (as of today). I am thankful that there is still room at camp, and through the money donated by our home church in the US, she has financial help. Lidia is in the midst of making tough decisions that are very difficult for a teenager to make. She is growing in her faith in this time, and would benefit from your prayers for her perseverance and obedience to God's direction in her life.
Above L: Adam's mom holding Kira. She will be helping by going with the teenagers into town on Wednesday to make sure they safely reach the camper bus. Above R: (from L to R) Zoli with Ben, Adam, and Gabi toying around with Sharon's computer.
Below: Campers from our immediate area who are attending camp this year.
Above far Right: Lidia has decided to attend camp (as of today). I am thankful that there is still room at camp, and through the money donated by our home church in the US, she has financial help. Lidia is in the midst of making tough decisions that are very difficult for a teenager to make. She is growing in her faith in this time, and would benefit from your prayers for her perseverance and obedience to God's direction in her life.
Above L: Adam's mom holding Kira. She will be helping by going with the teenagers into town on Wednesday to make sure they safely reach the camper bus. Above R: (from L to R) Zoli with Ben, Adam, and Gabi toying around with Sharon's computer.
Sunday and two days to camp
July 09, 2006
This morning, Miki, Dezsô and Csaba visited the neighboring town of Selyp to help in Selyp's baptist church worship service. We are exploring ways in which we can help Selyp's church to more effectively bring the gospel to every generation in their neighborhood. Currently, the church's members are all elderly, and the pastor is seeking help in evangelism.
Below: Tonight, in Petôfibánya, we had the help of Phil (w. guitar), Tahran (w. piano) and Erika (not pictured) of the Pioneers 'ART' team (Area Resource Team) in our worship service. They led our time of musical worship and blessed us with their presence. We also had visitors from Selyp (below R), who attended our church service as well.
Below L: Julika (Pioneers Hungarian partner in ministry) holding chubby Kira. Julika often commutes to help with our children's program and will be helping facilitate our upcoming vacation Bible school for Petôfibánya in August.
Above L: Dezsô greeting our sisters in Christ from Selyp. Above R: Heidi (far right) with second time visitors. Heidi has been developing relationships with these teenager girls who have a connection with Dezsô's teenage daughter Regina (not pictured). I am thankful that they feel comfortable entering our church, and hearing the majority of the message and worship tonight. Please pray for these teenagers, and pray that Heidi may have wisdom as she seeks to reveal the truth and transforming message of Jesus Christ to them.
Above L: Lidia with her father Laci. I have been praying for Lidia this week with the teens on the mountain, and tonight she revealed God's leading her in a difficult decision. Lidia told me that she has been reading through the book of Proverbs, and through God's word and through church member's advice she has come to a decision. This decision requires action this week, and this will be difficult for Lidia. Please pray that she will sense God' peace and protection in 'living out' this decision.
Above R: Zoli and Gabi anxiously awaiting English camp.The team from our home church in Delaware (BVBC) arrived safely tonight in Budapest! We will be heading out with them to camp one day early on tuesday. Please pray for us! You can find the latest prayer requests here.
Below: Tonight, in Petôfibánya, we had the help of Phil (w. guitar), Tahran (w. piano) and Erika (not pictured) of the Pioneers 'ART' team (Area Resource Team) in our worship service. They led our time of musical worship and blessed us with their presence. We also had visitors from Selyp (below R), who attended our church service as well.
Below L: Julika (Pioneers Hungarian partner in ministry) holding chubby Kira. Julika often commutes to help with our children's program and will be helping facilitate our upcoming vacation Bible school for Petôfibánya in August.
Above L: Dezsô greeting our sisters in Christ from Selyp. Above R: Heidi (far right) with second time visitors. Heidi has been developing relationships with these teenager girls who have a connection with Dezsô's teenage daughter Regina (not pictured). I am thankful that they feel comfortable entering our church, and hearing the majority of the message and worship tonight. Please pray for these teenagers, and pray that Heidi may have wisdom as she seeks to reveal the truth and transforming message of Jesus Christ to them.
Above L: Lidia with her father Laci. I have been praying for Lidia this week with the teens on the mountain, and tonight she revealed God's leading her in a difficult decision. Lidia told me that she has been reading through the book of Proverbs, and through God's word and through church member's advice she has come to a decision. This decision requires action this week, and this will be difficult for Lidia. Please pray that she will sense God' peace and protection in 'living out' this decision.
Above R: Zoli and Gabi anxiously awaiting English camp.The team from our home church in Delaware (BVBC) arrived safely tonight in Budapest! We will be heading out with them to camp one day early on tuesday. Please pray for us! You can find the latest prayer requests here.
July 07, 2006
Above: Daily prayer in the hills surrounding Petôfibánya with Zoli and Gabi. I am so impressed and encouraged by the faithfulness found in these two young men. We have made it our habit at 7:00 am to walk together up this mountain and pray for specific requests. As they continue to pray, I have seen an expectation growing in them to see God use them for His glory at the English camp. It is so amazing to consider that just last year, Zoli and Gabi were without hope and in need of Christ. This year, they are battling for the lives of others through prayer and looking forward to their part in sharing the gospel in camp.
Below L: Last night I spent time reviewing the foundations of the gospel with Zoli, Gabi and Dávid and encouraged them to be ready to share the hope found within them to roommates, classmates or new friends at camp this year.
Below R: Although Ben is not 'required' to take naps being a big 5 years old, he sometimes opts to return to those younger years of passing out in his car seat in the afternoon.
Above: Pictures of last years English camp where both Zoli and Dávid were saved. Those who are serving in camp this year are busy making final preparations. There is a tremendous amount of prep work involved to allow for a successful 10 days of teaching, worship, activities, travel and so much more.
Please hop over to http://englishcamp2006.blogspot.com/ to see current list of prayer requests. We are thankful to have the help of 8 daily prayer partners, and we are still hoping to gain 7 more! If you would like to join the daily prayer team for this camp, please email us.
Happy 4th of July!
July 05, 2006
Above: Looking up at daddy on the balcony, Ben and Elianna enjoying the summer weather outside.
Above: On Monday, we were able to visit Kovács György who was diagnosed with cancer last year. God has continued to sustain him and given signs of healing in his body. I was thankful to have teenagers Zoli (far left) and Gabi S. (not pictured) join us in this time as we studied God's word and gained insight from György's journey through suffering. It was an encouraging time for us and for György!
Above: On July 4th, Miki (hungarian partner in ministry) invited us to spend a day at the zoo! Anna (Miki's daughter) and Ben are close friends at pre-school and had a great time exploring the zoo together.
Above L: Miki's wife Erika holding Kira in the shade.
Above R: Kira responding to mom's smile.
Above L: Miki's son Bence (Bense) playing with Elianna at the zoo. Above R: Like father like son.
After the zoo, we headed over to the Corbin's house (friends and Pioneers teammates) for a 4th of July barbecue.
Above: 'Grandpa Jack' swinging in a cool breeze with Elianna and Kira at the Corbin's house.
Above L: Bright eyed Kira hanging out with Daddy. Above R: Sharon lounging after a very satisfying meal.
Sunday Worship
July 02, 2006
Emily from the EDGE team helped in our worship service tonight by joining our worship team. She did an excellent job! Ashley, Kate and Katie helped Val with our sunday school for kids. They took the kids on a nature walk, and spoke about the power of the Creator and the beauty and perfect plan in His creation.
We had fruitful small group discussions tonight based on John chapter 8. Lidia (above white shirt & scarf) asked very important questions in the discussion that related to 'living-out' God's word. I was encouraged by her participation and comments. Lidia will be meeting with Heidi (seated on her left above) tomorrow. Please pray for Lidia as she senses that she needs to make very tough decisions that will affect her future. Pray that she would be able to discern God's leading in her life and trust in His provision. Pray for Heidi to have wisdom and to be able to encourage Lidia in her faith.
Please pray for teenager Zoli who lost a loved on Saturday. Zoli was obviously saddened by this loss, but by the end of service, I could hear his voice singing praises to God in closing worship.
Thursday Friday & Saturday
July 01, 2006
Above: Being the best big brother he can be. Ben spending some quality time with Kira.
Above: L to R: Ashley, Kate, Emily, Heidi and Katie. The 'Edge Team' has arrived on Thursday in Petôfibánya, and we made our way up the mountain Friday morning for prayer. We are grateful for their help and look forward to serving with them in our upcoming English camp on July 12th.
Above: On Friday, the Edge Team helped us throw a 4th of July barbecue for our english students in Petôfibánya. We were able to re-connect with many students we haven't seen since last semester.
Above: 4th of July wouldn't be the same without a balloon toss! Afterwards, Zoli found joy in drenching me with a bucket of cold water!
Above L: Good ol' watermelon seed spittn' contest. Above R: Prepping the marshmallows for smores after the burgers.
Above: Sharon talking with Kati who is a teacher in the public school in Petôfibánya. Kati encouraged me by saying how I interacted with the teenagers, and how it was clear that they needed an example to follow in their lives.
Above L: God was gracious to hold back the forecasted rain this morning, allowing us to go to the town of Surdokpüspöki to distribute gospel of John booklets.
Above R: Brenda making her way through the beautiful village and avoiding dogs lurking behind each fence. With the Edge Team's help, we were able to drop a copy into the 800 mailboxes representing over 2000 residents. We pray that God's word will bear fruit and cause many to be transformed by the Word of life.
Above L: The sign says, "Feel free to place your hand in my dog's mouth". Just kidding. I think you can figure out what "HARAP" means. Above R: A very common mode of transportation, even for the elderly.
Above: Later today, the Edge Team helped us prepare gift boxes for our upcoming Vacation Bible School in Petôfibánya next month.
Above:To top off a great day, we celebrated Ben's 5th birthday with a special requested home-baked cake! Ben was excited to spend time with the Edge Team, and practice shooting his new suction cup bow and arrow. By the end of the night, he successfully could shoot leaving arrows suctioned to the refrigerator door (next he'll be aiming for my forehead).