October 2014
Sunday Baptisms
October 13, 2014
We praise God for His continued work in seeking and saving the lost! Both Arnold (left) and Norbi (right) were first introduced to God over 11 years ago when our church planting team held a children’s ministry in the local community center. Although both drifted away for many years, God in His mercy continued to lead them back to Himself.
Here are some excerpts from Norbi’s testimony:
“I first met Miki 12 years ago in a bible club. At that time, I couldn’t really grasp why I was there but I enjoyed the time with them. A few years later I found myself traveling down a bad path. I hung out with a bad crowd and began drinking, smoking and doing all kinds of things I regret. At the time, I didn’t know, but God was watching over me. He saved me from things that could have turned out to be very serious. I began visiting this church again, but as one who would often wander off. When I began taking things more seriously, a girl came into my life that wanted nothing to do with God and I drifted away again with her. After we broke up, I began to put my full trust in God. I have experienced that He is with me everywhere. He has helped me to make peace with others that up until this point I have considered enemies. I thank God that he sustained me and that he didn’t leave me to perish.” — Norbi
Here are some excerpts from Arnold’s testimony:
“In order to better grasp how I came to know Jesus, it would be good for me to talk about how I lived and what was going through my mind just over a year ago. School was going well. I had many friends. I had a girlfriend. And in January, we broke up. Soon after, I began accusing myself, I became angry toward myself and toward her. And this grew larger and larger and became something I directed toward others as well. So I went on with life and with school, but my grades dropped. I began to believe that my friends were also abandoning me (even though this was not really the case). Everything that I loved and everything that I thought gave me success, my girlfriend, friends and school disappeared. My perspective on my life became more and more sad and I couldn’t even see at that time that my family was still there. This wasn’t just a normal sadness. Looking back I can say these were signs of real depression. And so I tried to solve this problem of depression with partying but found no joy in it. I then began going to a psychologist. The psychologist wanted the best for me and really wanted to help but he wasn’t a believer and didn’t know that I needed to be here (with God’s people). God is the best psychologist. So for months, day after day I experienced this deep sadness. When I traveled to Budapest everyday for school I began planning how to commit suicide by jumping in front of a tram. I began desiring death more than life. I also thought to myself that if I slept more, I wouldn’t have to deal with this sadness. But that didn’t work because then I would dream about the same things. My parents can give testimony to how I thought and how I continually had thoughts of suicide. Looking back, this time in my life was like a long nightmare.
One day, I saw that a chorus was coming to perform in Petofibanya. I thought that I should go. And I can’t explain to you why I wanted to go or what brought me there, but I think God gave me a kick in the pants to get up and go. When the chorus sang and gave testimony, I was really touched. God spoke to me through them. And it was at that time that I decided I would turn to God and ask him for the help I needed. And when I asked Him for help and believed that there was no other path, no other way of help but Him, he didn’t hesitate but healed me right there on the spot! And right away He brought me out of that deep depression. A process began where I just felt He was lifting me out of the depression. It wasn’t because I found some solution in my own strength. It was as if He grabbed me in His love and strength and pulled me up and out. Many others loved me and tried to pull me out but they couldn’t. Only He could. Now, I heard about the basics of Christianity in the past and knew them in my head, but not by faith in my heart. Now I didn’t just know about Him, I was believing in Him. God has given me joy in my life. Before I drifted with no purpose. Now I have one. Before I met Him I was down on myself and angry at myself and the world and God took all these away. When I am in fellowship with God, I can’t be angry like I once was. If He lives in me with His Spirit, He is not a God that holds onto anger, but one who loves and gives forgiveness. Now I can’t (and don’t want to) live without him. I want to always be in fellowship with Him.” — Arnold
Above: Norbi’s father Béla (purple short) and mother Kati (orange shirt) talking with Dezso. Kati has visited our church many times in the past. We’re thankful for her support of Norbi’s decision. It was great to have so many guests come to witness Arnold and Norbi’s declaration of dying in Christ and being raised up to new life in Him.
Above: God gave me an opportunity to talk with Arnold’s mother after worship service. It was clear that the entirety of the service impacted her heart. This was the first time we had met and she had many good questions about how I ended up in Petofibanya. I gave testimony to God’s work in my life to give joy and peace no matter the circumstances. I shared how our (Christian’s) lives have the root of their happiness in Jesus, not in the ever changing circumstances of life. She expressed her heartfelt thanks for the change in her son and said that she may consider coming sometime with him to church. Please pray for her and Arnold’s dad to not only see the works of salvation in their son, but also to find true life in Jesus Christ.
Above: Arnold’s dad came to witness his baptism as well.
Above: Miki and Erika’s daughter Anna with some others from our youth group loving on Ziva.
Above: My glowing wife with Eniko.
Family shots
I’m posting these a little late (like almost a month late). Here are a few shots from celebrating Sharon’s birthday (Sep 25th).