Weekly Update
Above: Students who attended our ESL program last semester. Hajni (pictured far right) has been coming to our Engish program for over a year. Although Dezsô had a few opportunities to invite her to stay for Bible study or visit church, she never showed interest. Our teammates, Miki and Erika developed a friendship with Hajni as Hajni's son attends the same preschool. It seemed as if Hajni was completely uninterested in knowing more about Jesus. For the first time last week, Hajni attended a Bible study at Miki's house. She was very open to hear and asked very good questions. Please pray that God would continue to draw Hajni to Himself and give her understanding of her need for Jesus Christ.
Above: Csaba in english camp two years ago. We first met Csaba through our English community classes three years ago. I have had the opportunity to meet his mother, Csilla and father through invitations to his home. God opened the door for me to give testimony while there. The parents were very honest, sharing their disbelief and questions. I lost touch with them about a half a year ago. Just a few months ago, Csaba's mother Csilla began attending our English program in Petôfibánya while we were on furlough. I was amazed to hear that Csilla was staying after for the optional Bible study and even took home a New Testament! Just last week, she approached our teammate Miki and said, "So tell me what it means to be saved and what do I need to do to be saved." Please pray for Csilla to hear the clear message of the Gospel and to turn to Jesus for a restored relationship with God.
Our teammates in Petôfibánya are busy practicing for this year's Puppet outreach. Please pray that God would provide the strength and talent needed to present these shows for His glory.
Please continue to pray for Julie who is facilitating a Christmas musical production. Pray for the details such as sets that are being prepared, clothing designed, tickets and posters being produced, final practices and implementation.
We continue to ask for your prayers for our support to be raised to 100% before returning to Hungary at the end of January.
Thanksgiving Highlights
Below are some of my favorite pictures from our time with friends and family over thanksgiving:
Above: Just enough sun to play outside. Just enough wind to fly our kite.
Above: Two personalities. Elianna gently snuggling the ball. Ben aggressively pounding it with his foot.
Above: Brother Bob going to work on the turkey. We had a wonderful dinner at his house with family.
Above: Allen's mom with Kira.
Above: Aunt Kathy dancing with the girls and cousin Alvaro on the guitar.
Above: God providing a beautiful sunset.
Above: One of Elianna's happy drawings that just make you smile.
Above: Ben secretly left this out one night for mom to discover near her grocery list. Hilarious!
Happy Thanksgiving
"But God demonstrates his own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
"So since we are receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us give thanks, and through this let us offer worship pleasing to God in devotion and awe." (Hebrews 12:28)
Weekly Update
Above: The theme verse for a Children's Playhouse outreach on Friday:
"Teach me to do what pleases you, for you are my God. May your kind presence lead me into a level land." (Psalm 147:10)
Here it is in Hungarian:
"Taníts akaratod teljesítésére, mert te vagy Istenem! A te jó lelked vezéreljen az egyenes úton!"
We use Children's Playhouse to follow up with children and parents who attended our VBS this year from the neighboring town of Selyp/Lörinci. As the church in Petôfibánya is gradually being brought into maturity, God has been leading our team to begin church planting works in Selyp and Lörinci. The team was encouraged by the few parents who came to Friday's outreach.
Above Left: Tomi with his mother.
Above: A photo from the last day of this year's VBS where parents were invited to participate in a Bible study. Tomi's mother was also present (left of Sharon). From past conversations with Tomi's mother, it is evident that she has been involved in Buddhism. Please pray for her to come to understand the claims of Jesus Christ and to respond to God's revelation.
Above: Hungarian teammate Erika helping the kids at game time.
Above: Some of the kids from Selyp/Lôrinci who attended Friday's outreach.
English Program Report:
Yesterday, it was thanksgiving in Petôfibánya (at least in our English program). The students were invited to a special time where our team provided an American style thanksgiving dinner and shared details about this cultural tradition. Students and teachers were able to share why they were thankful. One student, Csilla was nearly moved to tears saying that she was so thankful to have met our team. Teammate Julika was able to share her testimony and the team offered free evangelical books and Bibles to the students. Many of the students obtained a New Testament before leaving and we hope that they will begin seeking God through His word. Please pray for God to draw these students to Himself and to rescue them from the deception of the enemy!
Christmas Musical:
Above L to R: Brenda, Julie and Janka in a team meeting in Petôfibánya. Julie serves on another Pioneers team in Hungary which equips teams like ours with resources to strengthen our ministry. Julie has recruited actors, actresses and various other helpers as she is in the midst of producing a Christmas musical that she has written. The musical will be presented in Petôfibánya three nights in a row. Petôfibánya's local government is very excited about our offering this musical and has even asked if they can help in any way. Please pray for Julie as she facilitates and prepares this musical in hopes to draw more people to Jesus Christ.
Above: Giving our friends in Hungary a glimpse of the beautiful colors of fall in Delaware.
Above: While on furlough, every Wednesday our kids are able to attend an AWANA club where they grow in their knowledge of God's word. It is a joy to see Elianna's excitement to sing the songs she is learning.
Above: Through a gracious supporter, Ben was able to see the dentist last week. We thank God that he is cavity free. The dentist did an excellent job providing a perfect first time experience.
Above: Some QT with Allen's parents. It is such a blessing to be able to drop in on family every week while on furlough.
Prayer Request:
- The cost of living in the US has taken its toll on our finances. We are currently renting a house, renting a car which includes insurance payments and feeding a family of five. The difference between these costs and living costs in Hungary are substantial. Many of you have blessed us with practical gifts to sustain us in this time and we thank you! Even still, please pray for us as we are reaching a place of financial crisis. An increase in one time gifts and monthly giving would benefit us greatly.
Weekly Update
Above: A few weeks ago, we were able to enjoy the last days of summer with friends Ken and Grace and their children. Ken and Grace are also missionaries and happened to be back in the US. Benjamin and Elianna enjoyed new friends in Ken and Grace's two daughters who are the same age. This was the first experience for all of the kids going door to door on Halloween for candy. We were able to do this in Allen's brother's development where they knew their neighbors. One of the kids said, "It's just amazing, you go to their door and they give you candy. This is cool."
Above: Sharon (or someone attempting to look like Little Red Riding Hood) also took a bag to collect candy for Kira which we take tax from every day.
Above: A goodbye toast with spoons and ice-cream as Ken and Grace end their week long visit.
Speaking of ice-cream and tons of Halloween candy, lets talk teeth for a moment. Recently, we had a meeting with our mission's board at Brandywine Valley Baptist Church and related one of our needs for our entire family to see a dentist. It has been some time for Sharon and I, and both Benjamin and Elianna have not had the chance to go in Hungary. Our insurance does not cover dental care, and the cost ads up quick. We praise God that the mission's board made some calls and a member of our church offered to clean our teeth for free. Allen and Elianna had their teeth done last week and we were happy to hear that no cavity creeps revealed their ugly faces. We are thankful for God's generous provision through this gracious supporter.
Above: Adding to the kid's 'firsts', on Saturday, we took the kids to a battle of mommy and daddy's high school football teams-Christiana verses Delcastle.
Above: Kira snuggling up to Ben in the blistery cold afternoon. Elianna spent most of her time trying to understand what the cheerleaders were cheering. "Daddy, what did they say?" Ben kept asking, "Dad, why do they keep hitting each other?" Sharon had flashbacks to her participation in her band playing for Delcastle's homecoming football game where she fell off some steps in front of everyone.
Above: It was great to spend some time and reconnect with friends, Aaron, Becky and Aaron's sister Ruth over the weekend. We are truly enjoying our time back in the US with family and friends.
Health concerns:
As you may recall, Sharon had some tests done in Hungary related to an abnormal spot on her leg (which was removed) and a abnormal spot found during a mammogram. The tests in Hungary were inconclusive and Sharon has continued the process of testing while on furlough at Christiana hospital. After more testing, the doctor in the US is quite certain that it is not cancer, but will perform small extractions of the growth by needle to make sure. Please pray for the procedure to go well and that Sharon would be protected from cancer.
We continue to look for opportunity to meet with small groups to share what God has been doing in Hungary. If you would like to invite us to your small group, please contact us here.