April 2022
Easter Update
April 16, 2022
Above: Before we entered into a pretty intense few weeks of Puppet Ministry, Sharon and I ventured out to Esztergom Hungary and enjoyed the colossal architecture of the local basilica.
Upcoming Travel through Europe
Toward the end of April, Allen begins a six-month exit from working in Hungary that is required by law for those with our type of foreign residency status. He will begin the first part of this 6 month period traveling through Europe and visiting various teams in five countries to help with ministry projects. After this time, he will return to Hungary and our entire family will return together to the US for furlough in June. We continue to ask you to pray for God’s provision of a vehicle and housing for our upcoming time in the US from the end of June to August. Also, please pray for Allen as he travels from the end of April through May and for our family as we prepare for furlough in the coming months.
Baptisms of Áron, Klaudia and Edit
Just last Sunday, we rejoiced in the baptisms of Áron, Klaudia and Edit. We had been planning for Áron and Klaudia’s baptism for over a month, but we didn’t know that Edit would also join us from the town of Bogacs. For many years, I have been commuting (about an hour drive) to Bogacs to reach out to a few Romani families that have kept their doors open for Bible study. In those early days of holding studies, Edit would distract everyone from paying attention, and she would just laugh and not take anything seriously. However, she has since had a daughter and experienced many changes in her life. I noticed over the past few months that she was becoming more and more serious about our studies and she was coming to understand her personal need for Jesus to save her from her sin. As I was leaving one night, she said to me, “Allen, next week when you come, I want give my life to Jesus.” I told her I would pray for her and asked her to seriously consider what that decision would mean.
Above: Sharon with Edit’s daughter Szimonetta
The following week, Sharon joined me in Bogacs and was able to watch over Edit’s daughter while I once again shared the Gospel. Edit was ready and put her faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord! This decision came after coming to her household for over seven years!
Above: As Sharon was outside walking Edit’s daughter, she snapped this shot the moment Edit made her decision.
Above: A picture from 2017 of Izabella (left), Edit (center) and Edit (right). We would appreciate your prayers for Izabella who also made a decision and was baptised years ago, but has fallen into a bad place and needs to turn back to Christ. Also pray for Edit’s mother (also named Edit) who seems to be closer than ever to putting her faith in Jesus.
Edit shared this testimony at her baptism: "I have a sister that became a believer and my father also, but he passed away. I came to understand that I’m just not living the right way. Allen has been coming to us over the past 7 years and at first I didn’t really pay attention. I actually just joked around and laughed when he came. About a month ago, Jesus spoke to my heart saying that I needed to come to Him. The path I was on was just not good as I was always anxious and cursing and fighting with others. But now I want to go to Jesus and follow Him. I knew for a while that I needed to turn to Jesus, but at first I thought I would try to get my life in order and change. But when I tried to change on my own, I just cursed and fought even more. It just didn’t work. But I decided to put my faith in Jesus and I would like to overcome all these things with Jesus’ help."
Above: Áron is a young man from the town of Jászfényszaru where we are also seeking to plant a church. His parents are believers and have helped throughout the years with various ministry and outreaches.
Áron shared the following in his testimony: “I grew up in a Christian home. I attended Bible studies in school with Miki in Jászfényszaru every week. So, I grew up hearing and knowing what Jesus did for us. When I was with Christians and at home, I would live like a Christian. But when I was with a different group of worldly friends, I would live like them, cursing and lying. I didn’t allow God into my life as One to lead me. In 8th grade, I began attending youth group and God began working in my heart. I began to truly experience His presence and His love and I began to take everything more seriously. The Bible says in Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” I came to see that I was living a double life and I decided to repent. I didn’t want to live like that any longer serving two masters. I wanted to serve God and follow Jesus.”
Above: Klaudia sharing her testimony. Erika, one of our Hungarian partners in church planting ministry has been working at a foster home for the past year. Many of the teens from this foster home like Klaudia have come to know about and attend our Summer camps. Klaudia also began attending our worship services and youth group each week and continued to grow in her faith in Christ.
Klaudia shared this at her baptism: “I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. When I was 12 years old, I began to read the Bible, but now I study it in a completely different way. When I was 15 I made a decision to put my faith in Jesus. I want to be baptised and want to know Jesus and follow Him. My favourite verse is Psalm 42:1 “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God.”
Above: After service, Zsombi (with glasses) came to me and said that he felt as if God was speaking to him through the message today and expressed his desire to be baptised. Zsombi has also been attending our church and youth group for many years and first came to know us by attending one of our VBS camps. God is putting a desire to study His word in Zsombi’s heart. Even at a young age, he is considering future theological training. Pray for Zsombi as he prepares for his upcoming baptism.
Easter Puppet Outreach
Above: We praise God for opening the door to sow seeds of the gospel to 26 public schools over the past two weeks leading up to Easter!
For a taste of the message we are able to deliver to teachers and children in our puppet show, check out this short film below.
Above: Day 1, Jobbágyi.
Above: Day 1, Selyp. This little girl grabbed Sharon’s attention right away as her mannerisms, hair and face reminded her so much of our daughter Kira when she was her age.
Above: Day 1, Palotás. As we were leaving one of the workers stopped us to tell us that she also enjoyed the show and that it actually brought her to tears.
Above: Day 2, Lorinci.
Above: Day 2, Petofibanya Preschool (our hometown).
Above: Day 2, Lorinci preschool.
Above: Day 3, Szurdokpüspöki. We were invited into the cafeteria after the show to enjoy a typical Hungarian morning snack. Bread, butter, salami, cheese, tomatoes and a bit of spicy red paste called “Strong-Steven”.
Above: Some of the beautiful landscape as we drive to our next destination.
Above: Day 3, Kálló.
Above: Day 3, Héhalom.
Above: Day 4, Gyöngyösoroszi. Eszti teaching the kids that our hearts need to be forgiven from sin, that Jesus died on the cross for our sins to save us. And that the tomb was empty and Jesus is risen from the dead.
Above: Day 4, Hatvan Special Needs Home
Above: Day 4, Jászfényszaru
Above: Day 5, Ecseg.
Above: Day 5, Lorinci Retirement Home.
Above: Day 5, Jászberény Special Needs School.
Above: Day 6, Gyöngyös.
Above: Day 7, Szirák.
Above: Day 7, Erdokürt.
Above: Day 7, Kisbágyon.
Above: Day 8, Selyp.
Above: Day 8, Apc
Above: Day 8, Szarvasgede
Above: As I came close to greet this child, he immediately told me how he remembered us and began singing one of the songs we taught at Christmas two years ago!
Above: Day 8, Pásztó Special Needs School.
Above: Day 8, Csécse
Above: Day 9, Heréd
Above: Day 9, Hatvan Preschool.
Above: Day 9, Petofibanya (our hometown).
Above: God answered our prayers to provide volunteers for this year’s outreach. Everyone played an important role and God gave us a spirit of unity and joy as we served together. We thank all of you that partnered with us in prayer. God answered in mighty ways. He protected us, provided strength, blessed us with good weather, brought healing and rest, protected all the equipment and the Gospel was clearly presented to over 1,800 kids! Pray that the activity booklet and CDs that we distributed will also be used by the children and that God may cause growth to the seeds that have been planted through this ministry.
Help for Refugees
Above: Teammate Heidi (black sweater) has been helping a few refugee families get access to clothing and supplies for their smaller children. Here she is pictured at the weekly Mother of Preschooler’s Club where mothers from the community find a great place to learn together and share some enjoyable time of fellowship.
There hasn’t been a steady stream of refugees coming into our town, but our church has sought to help the families that have been displaced to our village. We are thankful that these families are believers and have also begun attending our worship services. Along with you, we are praying for peace and that these traumatic and terrible events that have caused so much difficulty and pain may be turned into ways for many to come to know the love and security we can have in Jesus Christ. May the Lord Jesus bless you with peace and joy as we celebrate our Savior's finished work on the cross and His powerful resurrection. How blessed we are to be risen with Jesus by God's grace as those who are completely cleansed, holy and blameless children of God!