February 2016
February 05, 2016
This has been an encouraging week as we’ve been able to hold baptisms in our hometown of Petofibanya and also in the town of Bogács.
Above: Joy seeing Christ’s love in His Church on Sunday.
Above: Bogi (left) and Kriszti (right) preparing for their baptism last Sunday. Although these two woman were being baptized in Petofibanya, Bogi comes from the town of Jászfényszaru and Kriszti comes from Rozsaszentmarton, two areas we are seeking to plant churches. Here are some excerpts from their testimony on Sunday:
Kriszti’s testimony: “I first met people from this church when I worked in the preschool in Rozsaszentmarton. They asked about doing a puppet show and since that time we continued to meet. I began attending a house group. As I continued attending, I came to understand that the faith that I was hearing about was not like the religion that I had learned about when I was growing up. The faith that I was now learning about was personal, it was intimacy with God. Many of you know about one of the great things God did in my life two years ago. He saved me from dying from a brain tumor. He didn’t abandon me and allowed me to return home from the hospital after the surgery. He gave me life to return to my family, to be here with you so that I could continue to proclaim Him and present my life as an example so that others could experience Him as well.”
Bogi’s testimony: Before I was saved, I had a pretty good life. I have a loving family that supports me and I attend a great school. I had lots of friends and had plenty of free time to do what I wanted. And in that time there were two things I had hoped for in the future, a husband and a job. Then there was an English Club that I heard about near my home. In those times of conversation with Dezső and Allen and the others in the Bible studies I began reconsidering what things in my life were really valuable. Last year, God provided so many amazing things in my life like the English Club, meetings with various members of this church, and the many conversations that turned my attention to Jesus. I came to understand that Jesus died on the cross for me and He saved me. After I put my faith in Jesus, my life changed. For example when the time for college exams came, I was able to approach them completely differently than in the past. Jesus has given me freedom. He has freed me from bad habits and emotions that were destructive. He has taught me how to treat those who have hurt me in the past or those who sin against me. And that is true freedom! And what was really important to me was that I could now rest. I didn’t have to worry and be anxious about how every detail would come together in the future. I don’t have to frantically look forward three or four years and wonder where I will work. I can now rest in Him, I can entrust those details into His hands.
Above: Meeting in the new household of Robi and Erika as we prepare for their baptism. We weren’t sure how many people would come out this cold rainy night, but the house was filled with those who were curious, family members and other friends we have met over the years.
Above: Kati (left) standing next to her mother Edit. Edit opened up her home to us last year. One of our first interactions with her daughter Kati was not very positive. She said she didn’t need God and didn’t believe. As time went on and she gradually made her way into our weekly Bible studies, the Holy Spirit opened her eyes to her need and tonight she would join Erika and Robi to be baptized into Jesus Christ.
Above: While I sat down with the others to teach more about the meaning of baptism, Miki was busy trying to solve how we would do the baptism. We had brought a large plastic container but the circumference of the container was too large to fit into the main door of the house. We would have to do the baptism outside and Miki figured out how to get warm water flowing from the house to the container.
Above: Brenda talking with Pujka. God used Pujka in Robi and Erika’s life to get them to a point of seeing their need for Jesus. Before I was able to talk to Robi and Erika last week, Pujka spent three days trying to convince them. Pujka wants his entire family and whoever he meets to see their need for Jesus and be saved.
Above: Erika was the first into the baptismal. It was cold and raining and the rest made their way outside and gathered around.
Above: Edit’s daughter Kati followed and was baptized.
Above: To be honest, I didn’t expect Erika’s husband Robi to be baptized because of some questions he seemed to still have. But after Erika and Kati, he began climbing the ladder. I said, “Robi, what are you doing?” “I want to be baptized!” I re-explained what this baptism meant and Robi literally leaped into the water with a desire to be baptized into Christ.
I told Robi about the public worship services we were beginning to hold in Bogács. Both he and Erika offered their home for a meeting place. Robi said he would also want to invite his other family members to hear the good news and become convinced like he became convinced. May the Lord continue to create more momentum and bring transformation through the Gospel to these households and to the entire village. Please join me in praying for these new believers, Bogi, Kriszti, Robi, Erika and Kati…
May God grant them to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in their inner being, so that Christ may dwell in their hearts through faith—that they, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints…the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that they may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Eph 3:16-19)
May God the Father of glory give them a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of their hearts enlightened, that they may know what is the hope to which he has called them, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places. (Eph1:17-20)
Above: We continue to hold our English Club with classes for kids and adults in the town of Jászfényszaru. Many of the kids that attend also attend a Bible class that teammate Miki teaches weekly. We’ve also invited these kids and their friends to a children’s day outreach happening this Sunday. We’d appreciate your prayers as we continue to develop relationships with more in the community and look for open doors to proclaim the Gospel.
Above: Sunday youth group. Teammate Roger seeking to help a new generation of Hungarians live by faith in Jesus.
Above: Hey who’s this guy helping out with our baseball club? Introducing Tom Ledoux, one of our new teammates who just arrived to Hungary for long term ministry.
Above: Welcoming our new teammate Tom with a Sunday lunch at Brenda’s apartment. We praise God that Tom is already set up with an apartment and even began language school on Monday. Just like us, he’ll be focusing mostly on language and culture for the first year of his ministry here.
Above: Joy seeing Christ’s love in His Church on Sunday.
Above: Bogi (left) and Kriszti (right) preparing for their baptism last Sunday. Although these two woman were being baptized in Petofibanya, Bogi comes from the town of Jászfényszaru and Kriszti comes from Rozsaszentmarton, two areas we are seeking to plant churches. Here are some excerpts from their testimony on Sunday:
Kriszti’s testimony: “I first met people from this church when I worked in the preschool in Rozsaszentmarton. They asked about doing a puppet show and since that time we continued to meet. I began attending a house group. As I continued attending, I came to understand that the faith that I was hearing about was not like the religion that I had learned about when I was growing up. The faith that I was now learning about was personal, it was intimacy with God. Many of you know about one of the great things God did in my life two years ago. He saved me from dying from a brain tumor. He didn’t abandon me and allowed me to return home from the hospital after the surgery. He gave me life to return to my family, to be here with you so that I could continue to proclaim Him and present my life as an example so that others could experience Him as well.”
Bogi’s testimony: Before I was saved, I had a pretty good life. I have a loving family that supports me and I attend a great school. I had lots of friends and had plenty of free time to do what I wanted. And in that time there were two things I had hoped for in the future, a husband and a job. Then there was an English Club that I heard about near my home. In those times of conversation with Dezső and Allen and the others in the Bible studies I began reconsidering what things in my life were really valuable. Last year, God provided so many amazing things in my life like the English Club, meetings with various members of this church, and the many conversations that turned my attention to Jesus. I came to understand that Jesus died on the cross for me and He saved me. After I put my faith in Jesus, my life changed. For example when the time for college exams came, I was able to approach them completely differently than in the past. Jesus has given me freedom. He has freed me from bad habits and emotions that were destructive. He has taught me how to treat those who have hurt me in the past or those who sin against me. And that is true freedom! And what was really important to me was that I could now rest. I didn’t have to worry and be anxious about how every detail would come together in the future. I don’t have to frantically look forward three or four years and wonder where I will work. I can now rest in Him, I can entrust those details into His hands.
Baptisms in Bogács
Above: Meeting in the new household of Robi and Erika as we prepare for their baptism. We weren’t sure how many people would come out this cold rainy night, but the house was filled with those who were curious, family members and other friends we have met over the years.
Above: Kati (left) standing next to her mother Edit. Edit opened up her home to us last year. One of our first interactions with her daughter Kati was not very positive. She said she didn’t need God and didn’t believe. As time went on and she gradually made her way into our weekly Bible studies, the Holy Spirit opened her eyes to her need and tonight she would join Erika and Robi to be baptized into Jesus Christ.
Above: While I sat down with the others to teach more about the meaning of baptism, Miki was busy trying to solve how we would do the baptism. We had brought a large plastic container but the circumference of the container was too large to fit into the main door of the house. We would have to do the baptism outside and Miki figured out how to get warm water flowing from the house to the container.
Above: Brenda talking with Pujka. God used Pujka in Robi and Erika’s life to get them to a point of seeing their need for Jesus. Before I was able to talk to Robi and Erika last week, Pujka spent three days trying to convince them. Pujka wants his entire family and whoever he meets to see their need for Jesus and be saved.
Above: Erika was the first into the baptismal. It was cold and raining and the rest made their way outside and gathered around.
Above: Edit’s daughter Kati followed and was baptized.
Above: To be honest, I didn’t expect Erika’s husband Robi to be baptized because of some questions he seemed to still have. But after Erika and Kati, he began climbing the ladder. I said, “Robi, what are you doing?” “I want to be baptized!” I re-explained what this baptism meant and Robi literally leaped into the water with a desire to be baptized into Christ.
I told Robi about the public worship services we were beginning to hold in Bogács. Both he and Erika offered their home for a meeting place. Robi said he would also want to invite his other family members to hear the good news and become convinced like he became convinced. May the Lord continue to create more momentum and bring transformation through the Gospel to these households and to the entire village. Please join me in praying for these new believers, Bogi, Kriszti, Robi, Erika and Kati…
May God grant them to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in their inner being, so that Christ may dwell in their hearts through faith—that they, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints…the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that they may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Eph 3:16-19)
May God the Father of glory give them a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of their hearts enlightened, that they may know what is the hope to which he has called them, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places. (Eph1:17-20)
Other Shots from the week
Above: We continue to hold our English Club with classes for kids and adults in the town of Jászfényszaru. Many of the kids that attend also attend a Bible class that teammate Miki teaches weekly. We’ve also invited these kids and their friends to a children’s day outreach happening this Sunday. We’d appreciate your prayers as we continue to develop relationships with more in the community and look for open doors to proclaim the Gospel.
Above: Sunday youth group. Teammate Roger seeking to help a new generation of Hungarians live by faith in Jesus.
Above: Hey who’s this guy helping out with our baseball club? Introducing Tom Ledoux, one of our new teammates who just arrived to Hungary for long term ministry.
Above: Welcoming our new teammate Tom with a Sunday lunch at Brenda’s apartment. We praise God that Tom is already set up with an apartment and even began language school on Monday. Just like us, he’ll be focusing mostly on language and culture for the first year of his ministry here.