April 2019
Easter Puppet Update
April 21, 2019
Final Easter Puppet Update
We've completed our second week of our Easter Puppet Outreach and wanted to express our thanks for your partnership in this ministry. Take a look at the film below highlighting the past two weeks and rejoice with us! He is Risen!
Highlights from the outreach

We held one of our first shows in our hometown of Petofibanya for a Mother of Preschoolers Club that meets in one of our church facilities. Although none of these friends are currently believers, we're thankful for another opportunity to express God's love by sharing His good news with them through this Puppet Ministry.

Above: The little girl in pink in the town of Kisbagyon is raising her hands informing Mary at the tomb that Jesus is Alive! It was great to see how the kids were following the story of the resurrection of Jesus and interacting with the puppets.

Above: Jesus before Pilate. This year we had the opportunity to not only distribute CDs and children's workbooks but also children's Bibles to the schools that would request them. In Csécsé (above), after the show there was a question whether or not we would be able to give the kids Bibles. We overheard a conversation between two of the teachers: "Are they a sect?" "No, They've been coming for years." Afterwards we were allowed to give Bibles to all of the kids. Praise God for giving us long term relationships with many of these schools and opening the door for His word to be put into the hands of a new generation.

Above: In the town of Egyhazasdengeleg, I overheard a child in the front row saying, "He didn't do anything wrong" as the puppet show was explaining the crucifixion of Christ.

Above: This teacher (above right) commented on how much joy she saw within us and how her kids love the Puppet show every year. She invited us into her classroom and passed out the workbooks we distribute as gifts for the kids. These workbooks highlight the truths of Easter and the accompanying CD give the kids an opportunity to listen to the show again and again with their parents.

Above: The town of Jászfényszaru where our church is involved in church planting work. One of janitors at this preschool is a member of the church plant in Jászfényszaru and we had opportunity to pray with him before the show started. Another teacher came up to us after the show and shared that she was a believer but had drifted out of fellowship. She has struggled with cancer over the years and she allowed us to pray for her.

Above: After performing in the town of Kálló, we found out afterwards that the town mayor who attends a Mother of Preschoolers Club in the facility was invited along with other mothers. They were seated in the back and were able to hear the Easter message!

Above: After the show in a neighboring town of Selyp, a woman washing windows outside called to our teammate Miki, "Do you remember the first time you came here?" It turns out that she had attended the first show over 16 years ago and shared how her children who also attended have children of their own!

Above: I was able to talk to this young girl (in wheelchair) and her mother (seated behind her) before the show in the town of Heréd. Her daughter had broken her ankle in a rollerblading accident, and has been out of school for weeks. The principal of the school who has known us for years informed the mother that we were coming, and she brought her daughter in just to see the show.

Above: Eniko, who attends the school in Heréd has attended our summer Vacation Bible School camps in the past and was excited to see us. She informed Miki that she'd be attending again this year. Our team has already begun working on this year's VBS theme and we look forward to how the Lord will use it in children's lives.
Praise God for his provision throughout this year's Easter Puppet Outreach. The weather was great for traveling and we had very limited problems with equipment over the two weeks. God opened the door to 26 schools and allowed us to share His Good News with over 1,600 kids! We were also able to distribute children's Bibles to around half the schools we visited. May the seeds planted take root and lead a new generation to put their trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!

You can see more pics from the past two weeks of our Easter Puppet Outreach here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/javajournal/collections/72157708290874164/
“I pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come.” — Ephesians 1:19-21
THE LORD IS RISEN! Have a wonderful Easter rejoicing in Him.