May 2012
May 29, 2012

Above: Dezso preaching on the meaning of Pentecost from the book of Acts.

In a nation so wrought with atheism, having Pentecost celebrated as a national holiday seems a bit odd. I would venture to say that the majority of Hungarians would have no idea what Pentecost was about and why it is so important to followers of Jesus Christ. We took full advantage of having Pentecost Monday off by having a picnic in the neighboring village of Rozsaszentmarton where God is planting a church. Church member Tamás, for the second time this year, opened up his home and spacious yard to host over 60 children and adults. Dezso’s mother who lives next door was at work early preparing Goulash soup.

Above: Miki leading a time of singing worship songs.

Above: Gabi giving his testimony of how he was saved by Jesus Christ.

Above: Playing a game designed to help people go deeper in conversation and share on a heart level. Anikó (center of picture) was recently saved. Anikó is the daughter of one of our first church members Marika who was saved through a Jesus Film outreach when we first arrived in Petofibanya years ago. Praise God for continuing to reach more and more through family connections!

Above: Gyozo (left) and Dávid (right), two teens that began attending years ago and are now at opposite sides of the spectrum. Over the years, Gyozo was saved at an English Camp, and continues to be discipled and mentored in small group settings and one on one. Gyozo has even begun taking on facilitating the teen group that meets every Thursday and is gaining clarity as to where God is calling him to serve. In our church, Gyozo is one of the most spiritually mature teens and I believe will be do great things for Christ. Unfortunately, Dávid chose a different path dropping out of fellowship, dropping out of school and spending his time with a group of ‘friends’ that aren’t a great influence. This is the first time Dávid has joined our church for such an event in years and I was very thankful to see him with Gyozo a good part of the day. I believe that Gyozo is now mature enough to be an influence on Dávid instead of being the other was around.

Above: Roger with his son Sammy. Roger has been one of the men that has helped Gyozo grow over the years.

Above: Timi going head to head with her daughter in stacking dice on a popsicle stick supported by your mouth.

Franklin Graham will be having a major outreach in Budapest this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Five of us from our church have attended training and will be participating as counselors in the stadium in Budapest to help those who respond to the Gospel message. We are excited to see how God will move with the amount of prayer support and ground work that has gone into this outreach for the glory of Christ.

Above: Gabi and his brother Attila. Gabi who has been saved for a few years and growing in his faith will be bringing his brother Attila to the Franklin Graham Outreach on Sunday. We also have others in our church who are bringing friends from our community and ask for prayer!

Above: Kira turns 6 and we go to Aquaworld to celebrate.

Above: Ziva turns 6 months.

Above: Ben and dad took a ‘man trip’ over the weekend and went through Passport2Purity materials that teach about the changes that occur as Ben passes from boyhood to his teenage years.

Above: Gyula Sr. (top left) and János (sitting with cane) are two men that I (Allen) have begun meeting with for Foundations of Faith and Baptism class. I’m thankful that God has turned their hearts to seek Him and to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for the Franklin Graham outreach this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Pray for God’s Spirit to bring conviction and give understanding to those who attend that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Pray specifically for Attila (Gabi’s brother), Erika’s father (attending on Sunday), Renni and Fanni. Pray also for those of us who are serving, for strength for three nights and that God would use us for His glory and lead us by His Spirit.
Please pray for those who have recently made decisions to trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Anikó, Ildikó, Gyula and János.
Please pray for Tom, who will be visiting our teams in Hungary from the US and is seeking God’s will as to which church planting team to join in Hungary
May 09, 2012

Ethics class in Petofibanya’s public school
This is was second time meeting with the 7th graders and it was clear they were a bit more comfortable with us and participating in the ice-breaker and discussion afterwards. Erika used the same lesson that was taught last week to the 8th graders about friendship and the ultimate definition of friendship found in Christ laying down His life for us.

Above: Roger’s small group. We broke the kids up into three groups to allow for more participation in discussion. His group had the work of coming up with attributes of a good friend.

Above: Gergely was one of the kids that was distracting others in class and I had to speak to him about it. I am thankful that he responded well to discipline and I made sure to encourage him after class letting him know how I was thankful for his attentiveness afterwards.

Most of these kids come from broken homes and have spend most of their lives without a role model in their lives. Although they can articulate quiet clearly what a friend should be, I would venture to say that the majority have never experienced true friendship with another. The fact that the school has invited us (knowing that we are Christians) to teach this class shows the desperation of teachers hoping that something can influence these kids in a positive way. Of course, we know that Jesus Christ is our and their only hope of experiencing an abundant life.
Ironically, as one school has invited us in, another has had to reprimand us for “seeking to convert other kids” in school. Last week, some of the kids from our church were passing out invites to our Saturday Children’s Outreach in their classroom in Rozsaszentmarton. Although the teacher had no problem with it, the principal confiscated the invites and informed some of the kids that this was against their “faith”. Later the principal requested a meeting with me since he heard through our son Benjamin that I was one of the leaders at the church. I told Ben, “So you got me in trouble hugh…”. He smiled and said, “Yeah, the kind of trouble you like to be in.” After the church participated in much prayer I was able to meet with the principal this week and thankfully the meeting was brief, peaceful and we left in good terms. Another teacher in this school was actually publicly shamed in the “religious” church by the priest for “supporting” us. This teacher and his family came to our outreach on Saturday and has also stood up for us in discussions about us in the public school. When the gospel is brought into any unreached area, this type of resistance and power struggle is actually the norm. Our retaliation will not be with hatred or arguments but rather with prayer and a public testimony that seeks to honor God and HIs Son Jesus. God’s word teaches us:
“Keep your conduct among [unbelievers] honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.” (1 Peter 2:12 ESV)
“Be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. (Titus 3:1-2 ESV)
We trust in Jesus’ promise that any power struggle against Jesus and His gospel ends with Jesus overcoming: “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” — Matthew 16:18
Happy Mothers Day

Above: Ellie’s creative way to greet mom on Mother’s Day morning.

Above: Ben participated in a special show for mothers that his class put on in Rozsaszentmarton. Mother’s day is a week earlier in Hungary than in the US. And just for your information, they don’t celebrate Father’s Day. Poor Allen.

Above: Ben’s special gift to mom that he hand sewed in school.

Sunday worship

Above: David and his son David with their special mode of transportation.

Above: Misi helping János find his place in the Bible study.

Above: Istvan from the town of Jobbágyi and Gyula, the father of church member Gyula.

Above: Allen dedicating Roger and Heidi’s son Sammy to the Lord.

Above: Heidi’s parents enjoying their visit to our church on Sunday witnessing Sammy’s dedication.

Above: Eniko (right) spent many months sharing the gospel to Monika (left) last year and now they spend time together as sisters in Christ! Monika continues to meet with team member Brenda for discipleship and growing in her new faith in Jesus.
Praise and prayer requests
Praise God for the open door to teach the 7th and 8th grade ethics class in Petofibanya’s public school!
Please pray for the continuing process of the Baptist Church of Hungary possibly purchasing Petofibanya’s public school. We are still waiting for our communities approval and after that, the approval of the Baptist Church.
Please pray that God would work in the town of Rozsaszentmarton to break through all resistance to His good news and that the church plant would grow in maturity and in number.
Please pray for the family that has “stood up” for us in public and been verbally abused and shunned because of it.
May 05, 2012

Allen turns forty!
Above: Marcsi reading a Bible verse to Allen in celebration of his 40th after worship service a few Sunday’s ago.
I (Allen) couldn’t be more blessed at this time in my life seeing God bring about a harvest in an area of Hungary that had very limited gospel witness. I count myself privileged to be able to serve along with my family in Hungary and am very thankful that God led me into His calling for my life that brings the greatest gratification. Thank all of you for your birthday wishes and for noticing my grey hair.

MAY DAY (Labor Day)

Workers across Hungary received needed rest as the majority were off of work May 1st for the official May Day holiday. Tamás (above) and Ági, part of the church planting team in Rozsaszentmarton took the opportunity to have a picnic inviting the church and many neighbors that they are continuing to share the good news with.

Above: Church member Gyula was thankful for his mom (above left) attending the picnic. Dezso (above right) gathered a group of the adults to play the “Ungame”… if you haven’t heard of it, it’s a game designed to encourage conversation and relationship building. It also has questions that open up doors to share personal convictions and testimony about how God is at work in your life.

Above: After assorted games for the kids and various discussions we gathered for some singing. Scattered throughout the singing time, Miki gave Dezso, Tamas and Erika an opportunity to share their testimony.

Above: Ben and Betti competing in Capture the Flag.

Above: Kids screaming for more water after Tamás was kind enough to hose them down.

Above: What’s for lunch? One of my favorite foods, goulash soup!
God provided a beautiful day for this Labor Day picnic and He opened the door to many opportunities to share the Gospel. The idea, the planning and the key parts of this being used as an outreach were initiated by the Hungarians on our team. I praise God seeing their hearts desire reaching more people and using their resources to share God’s love and message of hope.

Above: We continue to teach the ethics class in Petofibanya’s middle school to the 7th and 8th graders every other week. For many of these teens we haven’t had interaction with them since they were 6 year olds when they attended our children’s outreaches years back. Erika taught about the various levels of friendship and we discussed why so many Hungarians struggle to find one real friend in life. At the end of our time we discussed Jesus’ words: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13-15) Erika highlighted the magnitude of God’s love and shared the Gospel with the teens. We hope that these times will lead to kids turning away from hopeless lives in bondage to sin and finding freedom in a restored relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ.
Right off the heals of the Labor Day picnic, we held our second children’s outreach in Rozsaszentmárton on Saturday. We didn’t have as much as a turn out as our previous one, but were thankful for each child who came.

Above: Long time friends Timi and Jennifer getting contact information from those who attended today. Timi and Jennifer are new believers and we’re so thankful to have seen them make decisions at the same time and grow in their faith.

Above: Heidi’s parent’s visiting Hungary and stepping foot for the first time in Rozsaszentmarton.

Above: Elianna, Bence, and Anna helping out with the motions to the songs.

Above: Erika taught the kids on the wonders of God’s provision and how creation itself shows His love toward us.

Above: Translation: God provides for me.

Above: Since tomorrow is Mother’s Day in Hungary we had the kids do a flower card craft for their mothers.

Above: Eniko leading game time with the kids.

Above: Laci having just as much fun as the kids.

Above: Visitor Marika with her grandchild taught Ben, Elianna and Kira in preschool. We were thankful for her being there.

Praise God for many church members using their various gifitngs in this outreach. Praise Him for His continued work in the village of Rozsaszentmarton where we trust He will continue to cause growth.