December 2019
Christmas Puppet Report
December 18, 2019

Praise God for a wonderful two weeks of our Christmas Puppet Outreach. Instead of frosty slippery roads, or having to deal with inches of snowfall, God was gracious to give us great weather for two weeks of traveling to 27 public schools scattered throughout northeastern Hungary.

Our team consisted of 5 volunteers with 4 needed to do the show. We needed that extra person as we were hit by different waves of sickness that required others to fill in unexpectedly. Thankfully, Miki who leads the time of singing and also is responsible in sharing the Gospel was healed after the first few days of suffering from a cold. Others like Brigi, Eszti and Heidi struggled with sickness throughout the week, but always served with joy and the strength God faithfully provided.

A few weeks before this outreach, we weren’t even sure who would be able to serve and whether or not we would have enough volunteers. God provided! It has been a joy to get to know Brigi (pictured above) who ended up committing to the team and serve in puppet ministry for the first time in her life. Brigi and her husband Norbi recently moved to the neighboring village of Apc but had previously gotten to know us through our VBS camps that their daughter had attended. They recently joined our church and are looking for where God is calling them to serve and use their giftings.
One morning while praying together, I had thanked Jesus that He has made us to be the light of the world to shine brightly for His glory. After our first show, the principal of Ecseg came to us and shaking our hands said, “You guys are smiling brightly and full of joy while you work!” He saw the light of Christ in us. He shared about a fellow teacher who was in the hospital needing surgery and we told him that we would pray. These are the little opportunities that are part of sowing seeds into the teachers lives while we’re out doing these shows.

This year’s show is about a young boy who causes an avalanche because he disobediently shouts loudly while trouncing through snow filled mountains. He rushes to his grandfather’s cabin where they are trapped together just before Christmas. In relation to the power of words, His grandfather ends up reading Psalm 33:6 “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth.” He goes on to explain the power of God’s word and how it is always fulfilled. This transitions into the presentation of the Christmas story and God sending His word to Mary about the birth of Jesus Christ.

At the end of each show, Miki has an opportunity to talk to the kids about the power of our words and the need for asking for forgiveness and forgiving others who’s words have hurt us. He would ask the kids, “What should you do when someone hurts you with their words?” In one town, one of the kids blurted out, “Beat them up!” Unfortunately, this is the normal worldly response and we’re thankful to give the kids the truth about how God’s ways are different. Miki talks about why Jesus came, and how God is offering forgiveness and a new life through faith in Jesus even though we have all fallen short and lived in sin. He gives us a new life where we are able to forgive as He has graciously forgiven us.

The song that we sing in each location also focuses attention on Jesus. Here is a translation of some of the lyrics being sung in the short video below:
Jesus Christ, we thank you.
You are God’s Son, the Savior.
You came to the earth for me.
We wait for you, our Deliverer.

In the town of Kálló, we got to catch up with one of the teachers named Rozika after our show. We have had opportunity in past visits to pray for Rozika who was also seeking to church plant with her husband in her small village. When we asked how she was doing, she shared how the work had ceased and it was clear she was deeply disheartened and discouraged. The message about forgiving that Miki had shard after the puppet show was not just for the kids, but it was also for her. She has been wounded in ministry and knows various truths in her head but said it has been difficult to get them working in her heart. We spent some time seeking to encourage her and afterwards prayed for her.

A mother of twins who used to attend our church’s Mother’s of Preschoolers Club in Petofibanya, but later moved to the town of Pálotás, called to request that we bring our puppet show to her town. She had connections with the local preschool and made all the arrangements. This was our first time in Pálotás and after the show the teachers were very thankful for our coming and invited us back for Easter. Praise God for this new open door!

At the end of each show, the kids are always excited to receive the CD and children’s magazine we offer as gifts each year. Many listen over and over at home to the songs and the puppet show which leaves a lasting imprint of truth. In the town of Egyházasdengeleg, we met a very kind grandmother who was serving us tea as we talked to the principal of the school. This grandmother said, "I don't mean to be rude, but can I ask you for a copy of the CD and magazine that you give to the kids. My grandchild loved going through it last year." Through this ministry we were able to distribute over 1,600 of these materials to kids throughout northeastern Hungary! It is our hope and prayer that these presentations, along with the material distributed will ready a new generation for putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Thank you all for your continued support for this work in Hungary! We appreciate your standing with us in prayer and also your generosity in financial giving that allows us to minister full time! If you would like to give a year end gift, click this “SUPPORT” link for more information.
This Christmas as we look to Jesus, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope!” Romans 15:13
May the Peace of Christ be with you all!
