May 2014
Weekly Update
May 16, 2014
Opportunities in Petofibanya’s local school

Above: Recently, we were asked by the principal to teach various homeroom classes in Petofibanya’s middles school. We spent a few minutes playing an ‘ice-breaker’ game and then transitioned to our lesson found in John 8. Over the past few days we visited three classes. The majority of these kids have no other Christian influence in their lives. As we studied Scripture together and had discussion questions, they discovered the mercy of Jesus as he dealt with the woman caught in adultery.
Thursday Bible Studies

Above: Petofibanya. Every Thursday, we have a Bible study locally in Petofibanya, and also in the neighboring town of Apc.

Above: Timi (left) and Edina (right standing). Timi continues to mature in her faith in Christ. She is a prayer warrior and has been able to facilitate Thursday’s Bible study when I’ve been away. We praise God for her steady growth and the ways God is using her to bless others in the body as she uses the giftings God has given to her. Edina also attends Thursday’s study in Petofibanya and seeks to represent Christ in the public school where she continues to teach.

Above: Marika who also attends our Thursday study. Marika shared in group an incident that I would love to see repeated by all church members. She was in the local market and while checking out, the person at the register began opening up in conversation. Marika took the opportunity to ask if she could pray for her and whether she had permission to ask the small group to pray. We’ve been seeking to equip the church to see that ministry happens ‘as you go’ in life. Marika put that teaching into action and I rejoice in her being the light of Christ in the community.

Above: The town of Apc

Above: Vincse (veen-cheh). Vincse, her husband Zsolt and daughter Vivi form the thursday night Bible group in the town of Apc. Being Roma, Vincse shared that it was initially awkward entering our church as there were no other Roma in our congregation. But, she immediately experienced love and acceptance, a true sign of God’s work in the hearts of the Hungarians. Although Vincse and her daughter are very poor financially, they are often overwhelmed by God’s grace showing up in their lives. For example, a story about finding seven lost dollars may seem trivial to us, but to Vincse it was clear evidence of God’s tangible care for her. Vincse’s daughter Vivi recently gave birth to her second child Robi. Please pray for Robi to be strengthened and restored as he has struggled with various sicknesses since birth.
Bogacs weekly Bible Study

Above: Brenda with Mazsi and Katyus. We continue to commute to the town of Bogács every Tuesday and are studying through the book of John. We rejoice at seeing them grasp foundational truths and are thankful for their continued desire to learn more about Jesus. Please pray for Izabella who continues to be isolated from our study by her boyfriend Süni. Her parents shared with me that she continues to study the Bible and believe but it is definitely more difficult with no freedom to attend Bible study. Please continue to pray for Izabella and for Süni.
Happy Birthday Kira!

Above: Sharon and Ben making the most out of a gluten-free cake. If you look close enough, you can see strawberries spelling out ‘Kira’.

Above: Yes, our little Kira isn’t so little anymore. She is now eight years old! Kira has a joyous personality and is learning to be a great mother as she plays with Ziva. She has a beautiful singing voice and is learning to play the recorder.

Above: Ziva doesn’t care what the cake looks like, just give her a fork so she can devour it.

Above: Enjoying a stroll before sunset in the town of Ráckeve where we recently attended a retreat with fellow missionaries serving in Europe from our organization.
We appreciate all of you and how you have stood with us in this ministry over the years. We praise God for His provision through many of you and are very thankful for your commitment to see us have success in fulfilling our cross-cultural calling proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost in Hungary.