July 2017
Back to Hungary
July 19, 2017
Above: Being sent out to Hungary with treasured prayer from BVBC.
As I write, we continue to organize and pack our final bags as we are scheduled to leave today for Hungary. We have seen God’s hand of provision in so many ways with all the details of moving out of our rented house and moving in to my parents house up until our departure today.
We’ve had such a positive time in the US experiencing God’s compassion toward us through many of you. Our children have developed meaningful relationships with others through Wilmington Christian School and through fellowship at Brandywine Valley Baptist Church (BVBC). A few weeks ago two of our kids, Ben and Ellie returned home from their first mission’s trip in the US. Ben traveled to Detroit and Ellie to Maine with teams from BVBC. We were thankful for their exposure to needs here and the great experience they gained serving with other youth from church.
Above: Ellie has recently taken up sign-language as a hobby and has sought opportunities to use it in worship.
Back in June, our family was able to spend time with both my brothers and their families in Ocean City. Bob (center) also lives in Delaware, and Sam flew all the way from California with his family to spend time with us.
Above: Grandma and grandpa also came out to Ocean City to visit.
Above: Can’t go wrong with cousins you love, wonderful sunny weather and the beauty of the beach. The kids had a wonderful time.
Above: Ziva making her own Lake Balaton (the largest lake in Hungary).
Above: Kira taking part in special performances at the closing ceremonies at Wilmington Christian.
Above: Saying our goodbyes at WCS.
We all have a desire to see into the distance. We want to know what is coming. That sense of ease and comfort is snatched away when ‘what is out there’ is unknown. As we face a new season of life returning to Hungary, we don’t know ‘what is out there’. With the church split that occurred six months ago and the many changes that have happened since we’ve been back in the US, we are entering uncharted waters. What gives me peace is knowing that there is One who has promised His presence with us that can see into the distance. Jesus knows what is out there and what we will encounter and encourages us with the words, “Take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) The Overcomer is with us and will continue to faithfully provide all that we need to bring glory to Him in every circumstance. He is the source of our strength, the secure place we put our hope in and the one who has proven since the days I have known Him that He is faithful!
We would ask you all to pray for us in this time of transition. We touch down in Hungary on Thursday and we are off to English Camp on Friday. For specific requests for camp, there is a password protected prayer blog that we would love for you to follow. Please contact us at [email protected] and we’ll send you the information so that you can join our prayer team for camp.
Thank all of you for your special part in our lives and for making this furlough a time of rest, restoration and healing. We will miss you and take comfort in knowing that we are loved and lifted up in prayer. It is so good to have you all as our family in Christ!
VBS Final Update
July 04, 2017
Here is Eszti’s final VBS report from Hungary
“Friday was a great day with no more rain! The kids were a bit more tired and there were times we had to discipline them more than the past few days, but nothing so bad that we would have to send someone home. Anna was able to spend some time with Niki (photo below) and explain the gospel and Niki decided to put her faith in Jesus.
This was Niki’s third camp and she said that she had been interested in God in the past years as well but they always talked down about God at home. This year, she wasn’t concerned what they would say at home because she was convinced there was a God and she wanted to know Jesus. We trust that she will remain with this conviction.
Above: Erik talking with Roger.
Above: Erik’s sister Eszti.
Erik, the child we invited off the street last year and who attended again this year has developed much closer relationships with the camp workers this year (especially Józsi and Zsolti). Erik experienced so much love that we know he is not experiencing at home. He was so obedient and kind to everyone and he even brought his little sister Eszti to camp. They both really enjoyed the the last day and said they would come on Sunday to worship, but for some reason did not show up. Please pray that the barriers to them coming would be taken away so that they could come to know Jesus. Pray also that we could come to develop a relationship and have open doors with their family to help.
We held an open house on Saturday, inviting entire families to attend. Unfortunately, Friday night and Saturday morning it poured rain which led us to make an important decision about where we would meet for the day. As we met for our morning devotions, Miki talked about faith. He talked about Jesus calming the storm and his words to the disciples, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?”. He simply asked for faith and He would do the rest. Miki encouraged us to believe in God and in His power. With this, we prayed for the rain to stop and as we finished and Miki looked out the door, the rain had ceased and we were able to make our way to the campgrounds. There were many risks we were taking as we stepped out, that it might begin pouring again, that kids might catch a cold, that parents would think we did the wrong thing, but we stepped out in faith believing that He would protect us. And He did. It didn’t rain the rest of the day and we were even able to pack up everything late into the day with no problems.
There were 25-30 parents that came on Saturday. Peti held a small group with the parents and Józsi and Hajni gave their testimonies.
There were many parents that made sure to thank us and embrace us before leaving. One preschooler Martin and his parents showed interest in our worship service and ended up attending on Sunday! Thank you all for your prayers!” — Eszti on behalf of the team in Hungary.