Sunday Worship


Above: God answering prayer! Anita (L) and Érzsi (R) were neighbors of Miki's years ago. We ran into them again at the May Day celebration on Friday and because of a personal invite and God's work in their hearts, they stepped foot into our church for the first time. We have been praying that God would remove the barriers that distract or prevent those that have a desire to come to church to come. Anita said that up until this point, her work schedule did not allow her to come. Unfortunately, just last week she was laid off, but fortunately she was finally freed up to come to church. Please pray for Érzsi and Anita to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through these turn of events.


Above: Miki leading musical worship. The Holy Spirit has led Miki to pray Ezekiel 37:3-5 over Petőfibánya. Would you join us in praying this for the multitude of spiritually dead in this town?

“He said to me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" I said to him, "Sovereign Lord, you know."  Then he said to me, "Prophesy over these bones, and tell them: 'Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.  This is what the sovereign LORD says to these bones: Look, I am about to infuse breath into you and you will live.” – Ezekiel 37:3-5


Above: Dezső continues to preach every other week through the book of Romans. It is encouraging to see him grow in his own understanding of God's word as he prepares for these messages, and a blessing to see God raising up a man of faith in the church.


Above: Bence and Szabi presenting poetry to the mothers in church. Yesterday was Mother's Day in Hungary, and for the first time Sharon and I had the responsibility for children's Sunday school in church. In the past, Janka and Julika facilitated our children's ministry. As you know, Julika is now battling cancer and Janka is transitioning in a move to Budapest with her husband Csaba. Therefore we have a great need for God to send or raise up children's workers for the church. Thankfully, Janka did an excellent job helping Sharon and I with Sunday's lesson. We basically practiced poetry with the kids for the special presentation, and learned Exodus 20:12 together: “Honor your father and your mother, that you may live a long time in the land the LORD your God is giving to you.”


Above: The kids did a great job saying from memory their poetry and the bible verse in front of the church. Afterwards, the children gave flowers and crafts to the mothers in the church.



Above: Teenager Gabi K. who rededicated his life to Christ after English Camp last year and was baptized has been praying for his family for some time. On Sunday, we rejoiced to see his mother Kati (above) attend church for the first time. It turns out that she ran into Miki at the May Day celebration and after a conversation about God's creation, Miki invited her once again to church. We praise God for using face painting, balloons and crafts as a simple tool to meet and invite the community to church. Please pray that his entire family may come to know the love of God and receive the free gift of salvation found in Jesus.

Tonight, we are in our final stretch of english community classes in Petőfibánya. Please pray for God to draw more into the optional Bible study to hear Jesus reveal Himself through the Word. Pray specifically for Csilla who continues to seek. Pray for God to heal her and to bless her with understanding of the Gospel which saves.
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