Baptism in Bogács
August 19, 2015
The heat wave that kept our area in 90-100 degree weather for weeks was replaced with stormy overcast weather. In one sense, I welcomed the change, but I also knew that in just a few days we would be traveling to the town of Bogács for Erika’s baptism. Thankfully, God has given us the privilege of coming to Him through prayer and He is faithful in His response. All the forecasts predicted rain which would cause issues with our plan of baptizing Erika in a local stream. Through our one hour commute to Bogács in rain shifting from drizzle to downpour, we passed town after town. The skies were dark and gloomy. But as we approached Bogács, God pushed away the clouds and we had no rain and perfect conditions to be outside!

Above L to R: Erika with her friend Edit. Edit’s husband Andris next to Erika’s partner Bondi.
Erika has been meeting with us for months at her friend Edit’s house. Edit who had previous connections with a sect heard about us and was clearly seeking truth. Edit invited us into her house to study God’s word and over the past few months both Edit and Erika have been impacted by His truth. From the beginning it was clear to me that Erika wanted to put into practice what God was teaching. A few weeks ago, she began sharing how she felt as if she should just leave the father of her children, Bondi, that she has been with for years. I shared some Scripture about how she might be the only means of light in his life and that God could use her in such a way that he is drawn to God. (1 Peter 3:1, 1 Cor 7:13-16) She had suffered verbal and physical abuse which is common in these families, but she decided to align her life with God’s word and she stayed. She shared with me that after she remained and sought to align her behavior with God’s word, Bondi recognized changes happening in her life and began saying that what she was doing (seeking God) was not foolish. God is already using her to reveal Himself. Erika has practiced this simple child like obedience from the beginning. And when she learned more about the means God has given us to be baptized into Jesus Christ, putting the old life to death and being raised up with Him, she was ready.

Even though her friend Edit has more background reading the Bible and has been on this journey much longer, Erika was convicted that she needed to be baptized, she needed God’s Holy Spirit, she needed a new life of following Jesus by faith. As we prepared to go out to the stream, it seemed people we had not met before were coming from all directions converging at Edit’s driveway. It was there we met Anita for the first time, who had only lived in Bogács for the past two months. It turns out that Anita has been a believer for over 10 years and she rejoiced that we were beginning a work in Bogács. Another woman around the same age as Erika also asked to come along and witness the baptism. This woman had been baptized years ago in a different church but after various trials she fell away from the Lord. I encouraged her that now was the time to repent and be restored. Initially, Edit’s husband did not want to come, but Pujka came over and persuaded him. Pujka was the first to be baptized in this town and we have been meeting at his house for years. His wife, Katyus has been in and out of studies and had various encounters to encourage her to take more steps but she remains hesitant. Yet, tonight Katyus asked if she could also come along and witness the baptism.

Above: Standing on the street by the stream, we took some time to review different Scripture about Jesus’ own baptism and Jesus’ command to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. We also looked at Peter’s response to those who were convicted that they had sinned against God: And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)

After singing together and prayer, we made our way down to the stream and Erika put her old life to death and was raised up with Jesus Christ beginning her new life in Him! Afterwards Miki and I laid our hands on her and prayed that she receive the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:17, 9:17, 19:6) I was also led to proclaim her freedom from every curse as Christ had become a curse for her on the cross. (Gal 3:13)

I also prayed that she be delivered from demons that once had free reign to influence her life. As I prayed for deliverance, her body jolted. Afterwards, I asked her what was going on. With her quiet smile, Erika said it was hard to explain and put into words, but something had left her. With amazement and joy she said that something that had been in her was gone! I look forward to seeing how Erika’s life will be transformed by the Holy Spirit. Would you please pray for her continued growth and that she maintain her childlike faith in Jesus and His word.
After everyone had returned back to their homes, Anita stayed behind asking for prayer for her wrist that was sprained. She could barely move it because of pain and she showed me the flip side of her wrist which was clearly bruised and swollen. After praying a few times, the pain left and Jesus gave her back full mobility! Praise Jesus for healing her! I’m excited about the new people of peace we met tonight and look forward to seeing how Jesus will continue to build His church. We are so privileged to be invited into His work! Please continue to pray for the Romani families in Bogács. As these women come to faith, pray especially for their husbands (or fathers of their children) to repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ. Pray also for Edit and Katyus that are now even more convinced to take steps of faith and obedience in baptism after witnessing Erika’s baptism today.

Above L to R: Erika with her friend Edit. Edit’s husband Andris next to Erika’s partner Bondi.
Erika has been meeting with us for months at her friend Edit’s house. Edit who had previous connections with a sect heard about us and was clearly seeking truth. Edit invited us into her house to study God’s word and over the past few months both Edit and Erika have been impacted by His truth. From the beginning it was clear to me that Erika wanted to put into practice what God was teaching. A few weeks ago, she began sharing how she felt as if she should just leave the father of her children, Bondi, that she has been with for years. I shared some Scripture about how she might be the only means of light in his life and that God could use her in such a way that he is drawn to God. (1 Peter 3:1, 1 Cor 7:13-16) She had suffered verbal and physical abuse which is common in these families, but she decided to align her life with God’s word and she stayed. She shared with me that after she remained and sought to align her behavior with God’s word, Bondi recognized changes happening in her life and began saying that what she was doing (seeking God) was not foolish. God is already using her to reveal Himself. Erika has practiced this simple child like obedience from the beginning. And when she learned more about the means God has given us to be baptized into Jesus Christ, putting the old life to death and being raised up with Him, she was ready.

Even though her friend Edit has more background reading the Bible and has been on this journey much longer, Erika was convicted that she needed to be baptized, she needed God’s Holy Spirit, she needed a new life of following Jesus by faith. As we prepared to go out to the stream, it seemed people we had not met before were coming from all directions converging at Edit’s driveway. It was there we met Anita for the first time, who had only lived in Bogács for the past two months. It turns out that Anita has been a believer for over 10 years and she rejoiced that we were beginning a work in Bogács. Another woman around the same age as Erika also asked to come along and witness the baptism. This woman had been baptized years ago in a different church but after various trials she fell away from the Lord. I encouraged her that now was the time to repent and be restored. Initially, Edit’s husband did not want to come, but Pujka came over and persuaded him. Pujka was the first to be baptized in this town and we have been meeting at his house for years. His wife, Katyus has been in and out of studies and had various encounters to encourage her to take more steps but she remains hesitant. Yet, tonight Katyus asked if she could also come along and witness the baptism.

Above: Standing on the street by the stream, we took some time to review different Scripture about Jesus’ own baptism and Jesus’ command to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. We also looked at Peter’s response to those who were convicted that they had sinned against God: And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)

After singing together and prayer, we made our way down to the stream and Erika put her old life to death and was raised up with Jesus Christ beginning her new life in Him! Afterwards Miki and I laid our hands on her and prayed that she receive the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:17, 9:17, 19:6) I was also led to proclaim her freedom from every curse as Christ had become a curse for her on the cross. (Gal 3:13)

I also prayed that she be delivered from demons that once had free reign to influence her life. As I prayed for deliverance, her body jolted. Afterwards, I asked her what was going on. With her quiet smile, Erika said it was hard to explain and put into words, but something had left her. With amazement and joy she said that something that had been in her was gone! I look forward to seeing how Erika’s life will be transformed by the Holy Spirit. Would you please pray for her continued growth and that she maintain her childlike faith in Jesus and His word.
After everyone had returned back to their homes, Anita stayed behind asking for prayer for her wrist that was sprained. She could barely move it because of pain and she showed me the flip side of her wrist which was clearly bruised and swollen. After praying a few times, the pain left and Jesus gave her back full mobility! Praise Jesus for healing her! I’m excited about the new people of peace we met tonight and look forward to seeing how Jesus will continue to build His church. We are so privileged to be invited into His work! Please continue to pray for the Romani families in Bogács. As these women come to faith, pray especially for their husbands (or fathers of their children) to repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ. Pray also for Edit and Katyus that are now even more convinced to take steps of faith and obedience in baptism after witnessing Erika’s baptism today.
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