April 07, 2011

Above: After meeting for morning prayer in Petőifbánya, we headed off to Selyp to pick up Peti. One of Peti’s daughters, Alina would be one of the many kids viewing our Easter Puppet show this morning in Selyp’s preschool.

Above: Peti’s daughter Alina.

Above: We were thankful for the warm reception and one teacher in particular who helped the kids in the end answer the question about what Easter was about: “That Jesus died for our sins and was raised on the third day.” We have only been attending this preschool for a few years and it is clear the kids are understanding more each year.

Above: Soon after we finished our first show, we were informed that our next destination Lőrinci, had no power! As you can see above, the preschool was getting new wiring in the midst of road construction. Ironically, this same school last year had a power outage on the day we planned to come. God led us to a solution involving a power generator that would run from a car battery. We dropped Miki off in Petfibánya so that he could remove his car battery and we headed the opposite direction to another church members house to grab the power generator. After this crazy turn of events, we still were able to arrive a few minutes late and with all the tools we needed for the show!
We even (miraculously) were able to drive right up to the front of the school even though the roads littered with a bulldozer, a crane and dump trucks. One of the teachers told us she was amazed that we were able to park out front since none of the teacher’s cars were ever allowed on the street while construction was going on. Praise God for allowing the show to go on!

Above: Part of this year’s song when we sing, “On the third day He was raised!”

Above: How we powered the show.
We are thankful that we were able to perform in Lőrinci and Selyp’s preschools today. Both of these towns neighbor Petőfibánya and we have multiple opportunities throughout the year through community events and our summer VBS to continue reaching out. Unfortunately, the middles schools in these towns, which kindly refused our CD/magazine gifts last year, did not invite our team back this year to perform. From what we can gather, some parents associated with a political movement in Hungary that blames Jews for many of the countries problems found out that the non-profit organization that supplies the evangelistic materials supports the equal treatment of Jews. They complained about our performances and materials and the door was closed. This is a scary political movement that is spreading hatred toward various people groups. Please pray for the people of Lőrinci and Selyp!
• Tomorrow we have a tougher schedule and because of sickness and lack of sleep the team is a bit worn out. Please pray that God would refresh us tonight as we all rest and bring healing to our bodies (Miki, Roger and Allen).
• Roger’s daughter Emily is still having trouble sleeping through the night which disrupts their families sleep. Please pray that God give a peaceful night’s rest.
• Tonight we’ll be meeting with teens for mentoring. Please pray for encouraging fellowship and God’s truth to bring these teens to maturity.

Above: After meeting for morning prayer in Petőifbánya, we headed off to Selyp to pick up Peti. One of Peti’s daughters, Alina would be one of the many kids viewing our Easter Puppet show this morning in Selyp’s preschool.

Above: Peti’s daughter Alina.

Above: We were thankful for the warm reception and one teacher in particular who helped the kids in the end answer the question about what Easter was about: “That Jesus died for our sins and was raised on the third day.” We have only been attending this preschool for a few years and it is clear the kids are understanding more each year.

Above: Soon after we finished our first show, we were informed that our next destination Lőrinci, had no power! As you can see above, the preschool was getting new wiring in the midst of road construction. Ironically, this same school last year had a power outage on the day we planned to come. God led us to a solution involving a power generator that would run from a car battery. We dropped Miki off in Petfibánya so that he could remove his car battery and we headed the opposite direction to another church members house to grab the power generator. After this crazy turn of events, we still were able to arrive a few minutes late and with all the tools we needed for the show!
We even (miraculously) were able to drive right up to the front of the school even though the roads littered with a bulldozer, a crane and dump trucks. One of the teachers told us she was amazed that we were able to park out front since none of the teacher’s cars were ever allowed on the street while construction was going on. Praise God for allowing the show to go on!

Above: Part of this year’s song when we sing, “On the third day He was raised!”

Above: How we powered the show.
We are thankful that we were able to perform in Lőrinci and Selyp’s preschools today. Both of these towns neighbor Petőfibánya and we have multiple opportunities throughout the year through community events and our summer VBS to continue reaching out. Unfortunately, the middles schools in these towns, which kindly refused our CD/magazine gifts last year, did not invite our team back this year to perform. From what we can gather, some parents associated with a political movement in Hungary that blames Jews for many of the countries problems found out that the non-profit organization that supplies the evangelistic materials supports the equal treatment of Jews. They complained about our performances and materials and the door was closed. This is a scary political movement that is spreading hatred toward various people groups. Please pray for the people of Lőrinci and Selyp!
• Tomorrow we have a tougher schedule and because of sickness and lack of sleep the team is a bit worn out. Please pray that God would refresh us tonight as we all rest and bring healing to our bodies (Miki, Roger and Allen).
• Roger’s daughter Emily is still having trouble sleeping through the night which disrupts their families sleep. Please pray that God give a peaceful night’s rest.
• Tonight we’ll be meeting with teens for mentoring. Please pray for encouraging fellowship and God’s truth to bring these teens to maturity.
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