Weekly Update
September 21, 2009
Timi, our next door neighbor owns a local barber shop just a two minute walk away from our home. While getting my hair cut on Thursday, a friend of Timi's entered and began sharing about how she continues to be in pain and has begun to visit various healers. She said, "I just don't believe when they lay their hands on me anything is happening and I don't feel anything. They told me that I would believe when I am healed." I sat and listened as Timi sliced and diced my hair. I remained silent, but the Spirit was giving me a very strong urge to tell her about Jesus, the ultimate healer. After paying Timi for the haircut, I turned to Timi's friend and said, "You don't know me, but…" I went on to tell her about Jesus' love for all people and his desire to bring ultimate healing. I told her that He is more concerned with healing the heart and the deep sin problems within us that sometimes lead to physical sickness. I hope this brief encounter will have planted a seed in her heart to find out more about Jesus. May He continue to reveal Himself to her and protect her from false teaching that is prevalent in Hungary.

Above: Miki faciliating a discussion about success and how we define it. We broke up into small groups and spent time meditating on Psalm 1 where success is shown to flourish as one constantly nourishes himself with God's word.
As we continued to talk, two of the elderly women in my small group shared how lost they were before finding our fellowship. They saw no hope in life and were deep in depression. God has been gracious to lift them both out of this dark place and reveal new life to them in Jesus Christ. Ildikó, mother of Zoli (who put his faith in Jesus in one of our English Camps), has been reading through the Psalms as she continues to go through a dark time in life. The tough events that have piled up have turned her to the only One she can truly put her trust in. As we shared our thoughts in closing, Ildikó said, "I found out what success is, when I find myself in God's word".

Above: We are thankful for kids who were new just a few weeks ago, showing up again each week. God seems to be giving this outreach momentum as we are having more opportunity (without distraction) to share the truths of Jesus Christ with a new generation. The teens enjoy the time where we are seated in a circle with Miki leading worship songs and have been attentive as we ask important questions for them to consider in life regarding faith in Jesus. Just this week, we began meeting an hour earlier with church members Hugi, Eszti, Peti, Gabi and Niki who consitently attend. We have begun teaching them about what it means to be a servant of Jesus Christ in this ministry and we spent time in prayer together. It is very encouraging to see the slow but steady process of growth in our church and there is great joy in passing the baton to others to run the race set before us.

Above: Kira having fun on daddy's drum.

Above: Sharon with friend Eszti who is now serving in our musical worship group. After sharing the Lord's Supper together, guest pastor Péter preached on the goal of pursuing peace in relationships as our Father is a God of peace. As I talk with more people and survey the weakness of our church, it is very evident that this culture suffers from even the basic understanding of a peaceful relationship. The majority come from broken homes, with parents that have verbally abused them, or ignored them as they drown in alcoholism. The tendency is to turn inward and to believe that no one can be trusted. Unfortunately, this defense mechanism builds up barriers as they encounter our gracious God. Many only allow Him to speak to them at a distance, but do not fully trust Him yet. Without fully experiencing His love, they then struggle in loving others. Without having any examples in their lives of faithful relationships, they are stuck in a vicious cycle of turning inward and remaining hopeless and depressed. It will only be by God's grace and the work of His Holy Spirit that will break through and reveal to them God's love. Please pray for our church and for the many new believers who need to experience the Father's love. Pray that they would be filled with the love of Jesus and be able to love others in a way that brings peace and glory to God.
Timi, our next door neighbor owns a local barber shop just a two minute walk away from our home. While getting my hair cut on Thursday, a friend of Timi's entered and began sharing about how she continues to be in pain and has begun to visit various healers. She said, "I just don't believe when they lay their hands on me anything is happening and I don't feel anything. They told me that I would believe when I am healed." I sat and listened as Timi sliced and diced my hair. I remained silent, but the Spirit was giving me a very strong urge to tell her about Jesus, the ultimate healer. After paying Timi for the haircut, I turned to Timi's friend and said, "You don't know me, but…" I went on to tell her about Jesus' love for all people and his desire to bring ultimate healing. I told her that He is more concerned with healing the heart and the deep sin problems within us that sometimes lead to physical sickness. I hope this brief encounter will have planted a seed in her heart to find out more about Jesus. May He continue to reveal Himself to her and protect her from false teaching that is prevalent in Hungary.

Above: Miki faciliating a discussion about success and how we define it. We broke up into small groups and spent time meditating on Psalm 1 where success is shown to flourish as one constantly nourishes himself with God's word.
As we continued to talk, two of the elderly women in my small group shared how lost they were before finding our fellowship. They saw no hope in life and were deep in depression. God has been gracious to lift them both out of this dark place and reveal new life to them in Jesus Christ. Ildikó, mother of Zoli (who put his faith in Jesus in one of our English Camps), has been reading through the Psalms as she continues to go through a dark time in life. The tough events that have piled up have turned her to the only One she can truly put her trust in. As we shared our thoughts in closing, Ildikó said, "I found out what success is, when I find myself in God's word".

Above: We are thankful for kids who were new just a few weeks ago, showing up again each week. God seems to be giving this outreach momentum as we are having more opportunity (without distraction) to share the truths of Jesus Christ with a new generation. The teens enjoy the time where we are seated in a circle with Miki leading worship songs and have been attentive as we ask important questions for them to consider in life regarding faith in Jesus. Just this week, we began meeting an hour earlier with church members Hugi, Eszti, Peti, Gabi and Niki who consitently attend. We have begun teaching them about what it means to be a servant of Jesus Christ in this ministry and we spent time in prayer together. It is very encouraging to see the slow but steady process of growth in our church and there is great joy in passing the baton to others to run the race set before us.

Above: Kira having fun on daddy's drum.

Above: Sharon with friend Eszti who is now serving in our musical worship group. After sharing the Lord's Supper together, guest pastor Péter preached on the goal of pursuing peace in relationships as our Father is a God of peace. As I talk with more people and survey the weakness of our church, it is very evident that this culture suffers from even the basic understanding of a peaceful relationship. The majority come from broken homes, with parents that have verbally abused them, or ignored them as they drown in alcoholism. The tendency is to turn inward and to believe that no one can be trusted. Unfortunately, this defense mechanism builds up barriers as they encounter our gracious God. Many only allow Him to speak to them at a distance, but do not fully trust Him yet. Without fully experiencing His love, they then struggle in loving others. Without having any examples in their lives of faithful relationships, they are stuck in a vicious cycle of turning inward and remaining hopeless and depressed. It will only be by God's grace and the work of His Holy Spirit that will break through and reveal to them God's love. Please pray for our church and for the many new believers who need to experience the Father's love. Pray that they would be filled with the love of Jesus and be able to love others in a way that brings peace and glory to God.
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