Saturday Update



Above: After skipping some stones on the water, Gabi S, Gabi K. Zoli and I settled down for a time of prayer and Bible study on Thursday. I am thankful for being able to take the study 'on the road' as the weather has been beautiful in Hungary. It was Gabi's turn to lead, and he did an excellent job guiding us through verses about our hope in the coming of Jesus. At one point in the discussion, a question was raised about the meaning of church. I kept my mouth shut, and waited to see how Gabi would respond. He explained, "The church is not a building, but it is all of those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus lives in us, and we are the church." I rejoiced to hear his explanation.


Above: Today, we held a Játszóház (Children's Playhouse) in the neighboring town of Selyp. Julika (seated above right in blue) is responsible for preparing the games, crafts and teaching for this outreach that we hold monthly. Today's Játszóház was based on Pentecost which Hungarians consider a holiday.


Above: Today's memory verse: "All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them." (Acts 2:4)


Above: Zoli serving with us today. We are thankful for both Zoli and Gabi taking part in today's outreach.



Above: Miki bringing smiles to the kids.


Above: Ben and Miki's daughter Anna doing today's craft.

Tomorrow we will be visiting one of our Hungarian teammate's sending churches in Budapest in the morning. Please pray for safe travel, and that God would provide more prayer and financial supporting partners through the Budafoki Baptist Church.
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