Weekly Update
July 06, 2009

Above: Elianna and Kira spent the day at the zoo with Sharon as Allen took Benjamin out for a movie for his 8th birthday.

Above: Benjamin turned eight on Wednesday. Praise God for giving Sharon the help in making a gluten free birthday cake.

Above L to R: Erika (hungarian team mate), Hugi, Klári, Norbi and team mate Roger. On Wednesday we concluded the series we had been studying with a call to a decision. I am thankful that out of the four (outside of our team) that began attending this study, three of them have been consistently attending for months. God has helped them to gain an understanding of the fall of man, the power of sin, the character of God, and the fulfillment of prophecy that God sent His only Son Jesus to save us from sin and reconcile us to God. We reviewed the Gospel message and I asked if they were able (even if they hadn’t yet believed) to tell someone what the Bible taught about how to be saved. Afterward, I challenged them, if they had been agreement with all that the Bible revealed about Jesus, to make the decision to turn to Him for salvation.
Since this was the last study in the series, I asked if they wanted to continue meeting and whether or not they had ideas in changing the format. They suggested that they themselves search the Bible through the week and bring in a passage to discuss. Each one agreed and I look forward to seeing what they bring in this Wednesday. Praise God, that they have a continued desire to read His word and decided on their own to be responsible to read His Word through the week.

Above: Every year, God helps us reconnect with many kids through our VBS. As a way to follow up and continue to reach out to them, we planned a hike on the Friday following our VBS. We saw God at work just a few weeks ago to draw teenager Norbi into fellowship with us through a hike like this. He then attended our church and soon after hearing teaching about the Gospel he put his faith in Jesus.

Above: Norbi (far left) with hand raised after winning one of our many team building games.

Above: Ádám and Oliver, both old friends of Norbi responded to his invite to come and join us on the hike. Norbi shared with me his desire that these young men also come to know Jesus.

Above center: Teenager Niki who has been attending our church and other Bible studies for over a year. Just tonight, Niki came to our church prayer meeting. From conversations in the past with Niki, it was clear that she was seeking and learning more, but I never knew whether or not she made a decision to put her faith in Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior. Allen asked her about whether or not she made the decision and she confirmed it. Niki has been attending a class that we offer to help believers understand teaching on baptism. We praise God for Niki’s decision to follow Jesus and the signs of fruit in her prayer life and attitude in relationships.
Above: Short film of some of the game time once we reached the top of the mountain on our hike. WARNING: Loud music!
After lots of laughter and team building games, we set up the fire, enjoy smores and begin our discussion questions with the kids. We talked about experience of prayers answered and prayers that we may perceive as not being answered and explored reasons why they may not be answered. Praise God for clearing out a thunderstorm just in time for us to go on this hike and bringing new teens out to hear more about Jesus.

Above: Kira pretending to be like mommy at the doctors office. Sharon is three months along and doing well. We were able to see our child’s heartbeat through ultrasound and given a good report from the doctor. Praise God.

Above: Even though we are miles away oversees, we were able to celebrate the Fourth of July at a barbeque with various teammates and friends from Pioneers.

Above: Elianna and Kira spent the day at the zoo with Sharon as Allen took Benjamin out for a movie for his 8th birthday.

Above: Benjamin turned eight on Wednesday. Praise God for giving Sharon the help in making a gluten free birthday cake.

Above L to R: Erika (hungarian team mate), Hugi, Klári, Norbi and team mate Roger. On Wednesday we concluded the series we had been studying with a call to a decision. I am thankful that out of the four (outside of our team) that began attending this study, three of them have been consistently attending for months. God has helped them to gain an understanding of the fall of man, the power of sin, the character of God, and the fulfillment of prophecy that God sent His only Son Jesus to save us from sin and reconcile us to God. We reviewed the Gospel message and I asked if they were able (even if they hadn’t yet believed) to tell someone what the Bible taught about how to be saved. Afterward, I challenged them, if they had been agreement with all that the Bible revealed about Jesus, to make the decision to turn to Him for salvation.
Since this was the last study in the series, I asked if they wanted to continue meeting and whether or not they had ideas in changing the format. They suggested that they themselves search the Bible through the week and bring in a passage to discuss. Each one agreed and I look forward to seeing what they bring in this Wednesday. Praise God, that they have a continued desire to read His word and decided on their own to be responsible to read His Word through the week.

Above: Every year, God helps us reconnect with many kids through our VBS. As a way to follow up and continue to reach out to them, we planned a hike on the Friday following our VBS. We saw God at work just a few weeks ago to draw teenager Norbi into fellowship with us through a hike like this. He then attended our church and soon after hearing teaching about the Gospel he put his faith in Jesus.

Above: Norbi (far left) with hand raised after winning one of our many team building games.

Above: Ádám and Oliver, both old friends of Norbi responded to his invite to come and join us on the hike. Norbi shared with me his desire that these young men also come to know Jesus.

Above center: Teenager Niki who has been attending our church and other Bible studies for over a year. Just tonight, Niki came to our church prayer meeting. From conversations in the past with Niki, it was clear that she was seeking and learning more, but I never knew whether or not she made a decision to put her faith in Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior. Allen asked her about whether or not she made the decision and she confirmed it. Niki has been attending a class that we offer to help believers understand teaching on baptism. We praise God for Niki’s decision to follow Jesus and the signs of fruit in her prayer life and attitude in relationships.
Above: Short film of some of the game time once we reached the top of the mountain on our hike. WARNING: Loud music!
After lots of laughter and team building games, we set up the fire, enjoy smores and begin our discussion questions with the kids. We talked about experience of prayers answered and prayers that we may perceive as not being answered and explored reasons why they may not be answered. Praise God for clearing out a thunderstorm just in time for us to go on this hike and bringing new teens out to hear more about Jesus.

Above: Kira pretending to be like mommy at the doctors office. Sharon is three months along and doing well. We were able to see our child’s heartbeat through ultrasound and given a good report from the doctor. Praise God.

Above: Even though we are miles away oversees, we were able to celebrate the Fourth of July at a barbeque with various teammates and friends from Pioneers.

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