Summer is definately here!

Temperatures are in the 90's here in Hungary. Tonight, I filled the thermos with ice cold water and headed out to a soccer field to meet the teens. The heat didn't seem to slow down their play, although I can't say the same thing for myself. I brought an American football, and they had a great time learning how to throw a spiral.

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Above: Zoli celebrating after scoring a goal for our team-go Zoli!

Tomorrow, our focus group team is participating in a children's day event in the village of Egyházasdengeleg. We have served over the past two years through puppet ministry in this village, and we were excited to be invited to participate in their town's children's day. I am also excited that teenagers Zoli (above right) and Gabi S. will be joining us in serving in this village tomorrow.

We will be performing a few drama's, a short puppet show and give gospel messages related to each. It looks as if tomorrow will also be blazingly hot! Please pray that we will be successful in communicating the gospel and sharing His love with this village.

Below: Kira showing me a knuckle sandwich while staring at my scruffy face (she likes the contrast).

Below: Elianna's rendition of Kira. She informed us that the small squigly circle below the chin is indeed a diaper.

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