April 19, 2011
Last Saturday was our final day of Easter Puppet Ministry. God was gracious to sustain our team throughout the two weeks of traveling to 18 public schools.

Above: Our first show in Gyöngyös was held in the town’s community center. We were thankful for the small turnout of parents and children.

Our next stop was in the town of Vanyarc and was also held in the local community center. One of the teachers from another school (in another town) was gracious to invite us and did the work of invitation and providing a place for us to perform.

We are very thankful for your prayers throughout this time and clearly saw God at work. I am amazed at God’s grace in opening this door in public schools where we could teach the Easter message of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our team was encouraged as kids from various schools shared that they often listened to CDs from years past. Sometimes after the show, as we finished packing and were exiting the schools we heard kids singing, “On the third day, He rose from the dead” on their own. Praise God for the many seeds planted and may He grant growth in the hearts of a new generation of Hungarians, that Jesus would be glorified!

Above: My last time together with the guys from Jászfényszaru before returning home of furlough (next week). Peti (grey shirt) is a member of our church and works in a factory with most of these guys. We hope that these times together will help build long lasting friendships and lead to open doors to share the good news of salvation in Jesus.

Above: Dezső preaching on the high priority of faith in God and His promises and the problems that arise when we live without faith in His word.

Above: Dezső (center - not the baby) was privileged to dedicate Tomás and Ági’s newborn child Peti to the Lord. This was Dezső’s first baby dedication and he did a great job (in fear and trembling). God used Dezső in a mighty way to introduce both Ági and Tamás to Jesus when they were about to divorce. God has done a mighty work in both of their lives and restored them through His grace. Dezső has received more direction from God in the past few months and has become confident (along with Miki and I) that He is called to serve as an elder in our body.

Above: Our family saying goodbye to Brenda (and her dog Lucy). Brenda will be traveling to the US for a short time to participate in her sister’s wedding. As our other teammates Roger and Heidi are expecting a baby at the end of April, and our family will be leaving for furlough next week, the American contingent of our church planting team will be ‘off the field’ for a time. Please pray for the Hungarians who will be taking over various responsibilities to grow in their faith, to be able to serve in their giftings and to know and experience that Jesus is the One who builds the church.

Above: We never expected this sports outreach to grow so quickly. I stepped back on Monday and surveyed over 18 adults from various backgrounds having a great time. As you know from past reports, this volley ball outreach has led to dinner invites and more conversation about our faith in Jesus. It has been difficult to find a forum to gather together with adults in the community, but this seems to be growing every week.

Above: The kids also enjoyed being together as their parents played volleyball.

Above: My team surprised me with an early birthday party after our meeting tonight. No I’m not 3, I was born in 72 (you do the math). Thanks team!
Please pray for our family as Sharon, Allen, Kira and Elianna seem to be fighting a virus. As we will be leaving for the US next week we would also appreciate prayers for wisdom and strength to complete all that needs to be done before we return.
Last Saturday was our final day of Easter Puppet Ministry. God was gracious to sustain our team throughout the two weeks of traveling to 18 public schools.

Above: Our first show in Gyöngyös was held in the town’s community center. We were thankful for the small turnout of parents and children.

Our next stop was in the town of Vanyarc and was also held in the local community center. One of the teachers from another school (in another town) was gracious to invite us and did the work of invitation and providing a place for us to perform.

We are very thankful for your prayers throughout this time and clearly saw God at work. I am amazed at God’s grace in opening this door in public schools where we could teach the Easter message of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our team was encouraged as kids from various schools shared that they often listened to CDs from years past. Sometimes after the show, as we finished packing and were exiting the schools we heard kids singing, “On the third day, He rose from the dead” on their own. Praise God for the many seeds planted and may He grant growth in the hearts of a new generation of Hungarians, that Jesus would be glorified!

Above: My last time together with the guys from Jászfényszaru before returning home of furlough (next week). Peti (grey shirt) is a member of our church and works in a factory with most of these guys. We hope that these times together will help build long lasting friendships and lead to open doors to share the good news of salvation in Jesus.

Above: Dezső preaching on the high priority of faith in God and His promises and the problems that arise when we live without faith in His word.

Above: Dezső (center - not the baby) was privileged to dedicate Tomás and Ági’s newborn child Peti to the Lord. This was Dezső’s first baby dedication and he did a great job (in fear and trembling). God used Dezső in a mighty way to introduce both Ági and Tamás to Jesus when they were about to divorce. God has done a mighty work in both of their lives and restored them through His grace. Dezső has received more direction from God in the past few months and has become confident (along with Miki and I) that He is called to serve as an elder in our body.

Above: Our family saying goodbye to Brenda (and her dog Lucy). Brenda will be traveling to the US for a short time to participate in her sister’s wedding. As our other teammates Roger and Heidi are expecting a baby at the end of April, and our family will be leaving for furlough next week, the American contingent of our church planting team will be ‘off the field’ for a time. Please pray for the Hungarians who will be taking over various responsibilities to grow in their faith, to be able to serve in their giftings and to know and experience that Jesus is the One who builds the church.

Above: We never expected this sports outreach to grow so quickly. I stepped back on Monday and surveyed over 18 adults from various backgrounds having a great time. As you know from past reports, this volley ball outreach has led to dinner invites and more conversation about our faith in Jesus. It has been difficult to find a forum to gather together with adults in the community, but this seems to be growing every week.

Above: The kids also enjoyed being together as their parents played volleyball.

Above: My team surprised me with an early birthday party after our meeting tonight. No I’m not 3, I was born in 72 (you do the math). Thanks team!
Please pray for our family as Sharon, Allen, Kira and Elianna seem to be fighting a virus. As we will be leaving for the US next week we would also appreciate prayers for wisdom and strength to complete all that needs to be done before we return.
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