June 21, 2009

Above: Norbi’s mother Kati (black jacket) joined us today to help with cleaning and prep for VBS tomorrow. Norbi put his faith in Jesus just a few weeks ago and we are thankful for his mother’s willingness to see what his new group of friends are all about. We are thankful that she was able to witness a morning devotion, prayer together and our joy as we worked together to prep for tomorrow’s camp.
As we arrived on the camp site, the sky was covered with clouds and it was raining. Yesterday, looking at the 5 day weather forecast, revealed rain rain and more rain. This morning in prayer, we asked Jesus to provide the conditions we needed to finish preparing and He was gracious to stop the rain in area THE WHOLE DAY!

Above: How many men does it take to install a temporary fence?

Above: Hugi and Lidia did a great job singing without their mentor Brenda who is back in the US for a short time. Hugi was sure to pray for Brenda in service and in tears gave thanks to God for helping her get home safely.

Above: Andi (right) speeking with Teenager Zoli’s mother Ildikó, and grandmother Magdi (who brought her neighbor for the second week in a row).
After service, teenager Norbi approached and asked, “How can I give thanks to God for allowing me to know Him and be part of His people?” I encouraged Him to rejoice in the love of God that is already fully given to him through Jesus Christ, and to be thankful through following and trusting Him. Praise God for continuing to transform this young man!

Above: Ben marching to his school’s outdoor stage where they celebrated students’ end of year achievements.

Above: Elianna lighting up the place with her smile.

Above: Cute Kira.

Above: Sharon keeping the girls entertained while various speeches are given.

Above: Ben ended up finishing top in his class and was awarded a special certificate (along with another girl). At first glance, the words on the certificate looked like ‘Disco Letter’, so Ben got a kick out of that. We are proud of our son for working hard and doing a good job with the brain God has given to him. It’s a bit embarrassing when he corrects me with pronunciation of various words in Hungarian and yes, even in English. Go Ben!
• Those who traveled here to serve in VBS arrived safely.
• God held the rain back and gave us strength and wisdom to finish preparations today!
• God provided plenty of help for the final day of preparations.
• The curriculum was finished by Julika and the team has a clear plan of teaching and activities.
• Dezső who plays a lead part in teaching every day and playing in the worship group had a very high fever yesterday and today. Please pray for healing and for God to give the entire team (and the kids) health throughout the week.
• As I mentioned, the weather forecast looks very bleak. Please pray that God would provide the weather that best suits His purpose to reveal His Son to these children.
• FIRST DAY chaos! Close to sixty kids will be coming to register and the first day is usually the most difficult for the team. Please pray for wisdom, and for guidance as we seek to build a foundation of truth, of trust and of fun this first day.
• Rowdy kids. Miki is familiar with many of the kids who will be attending (since they attended his Bible study in the local public school). He asks that we pray for the rowdy ones (there are many) to be able to behave, learn and enjoy themselves there. Pray that the enemy would have no means to distract these kids from God’s message to them.
• Kids would connect with one another and their teachers in their small groups.
Thank you for being a part of this ministry through prayer!
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