Weekly Update
May 06, 2007

Above: With the help of a camouflaged jacket and bright green Robin Hood hat, Ben manages to capture a Hungarian tree frog. Ellie says, "Ewwwwweee". On Saturday, we were able to spend some time 'window shopping' for houses in our area. In less than 100 days, we will be returning to the US on furlough and it is our hope to move into a new residence in PetÅ‘fibánya before returning on furlough. With three kids, we have outgrown our apartment space and hope to find a home that would be a blessing for our family and for our ministry. Please pray that God would direct our steps, and that He would provide according to His timing and His will.
Tonight I preached on the presence of God which is too often ignored in our lives. Here are some words from tonight's sermon:
"What are you pursuing above all in your life? Are you pursuing 'things' today or are you pursuing the Creator of all things? Are you focusing all your thoughts, all your passion, all your energy on work, or school, or relationships with people, or worries, or questions that you have forgotten that Jesus is standing in the same room?
Are you letting anxiety and worry rule over you tonight, or are you answering God who is present, Who says to you as He once said to the apostles, "Come with me privately to an isolated place and rest a while" (Mark 6:31)
"Come with me privately to an isolated place and rest a while" (Mark 6:31)
I often find myself getting busy with so many things that I forget the most important thing. I often spend so much time rushing, working, talking that I begin to ignore the One who is present. My Lord and my God.
Isa 30:15 says: "For this is what the master, the LORD, the Holy One of Israel says: "If you repented and patiently waited for me, you would be delivered; if you calmly trusted in me you would find strength, but you are unwilling."
I need, and you need to make private time with our Lord a priority in our lives. We need to listen to His voice that says, "If you repented and patiently waited for me, you would be delivered; if you calmly trusted in me you would find strength..."

Above: After the message, Janka and Julika helped the kids with a special presentation for mother's day.

Above: A visiting mother and grandmother being presented with Mother's Day gifts.

Above: Julika also taught us how to make a hand craft with a Bible verse as a gift for the mothers who could not make it.

Above: Zoli, Ádám and Gabi S. Please pray for Gabi who has finals this week in school. I have seen some of the things he will be tested on, and it is tough! Please pray, as his first test is tomorrow, and he will have subsequent tests throughout the week. Finals were definitely not my favorite part of school.
Other Prayer requests: Sharon seems to be feeling better, while Allen and Kira continue to be sick. Please pray for healing in our family. Our teammate Brenda's parents arrived in Hungary tonight. Please pray that she would have a blessed time with her parents. Recently, Brenda lost hot water in her apartment and has been trying to get it fixed for the past four days. Please pray that it would be fixed soon.
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