Summer Update
June 14, 2015

Above: Ben being launched into the air at a pond just outside of PetÅ‘fibánya seeking relief from consecutive days of ninety degree weather. Ziva, who could only bear the water for 20 minutes, rests by the shore.
Summer is here and we’ve already been gearing up for some of the great camp ministries just a few weeks away!
Bible camp beginning June 29th!
We have been busy preparing for our summer Bible camp and already have over 120 kids signed up varying in ages from preschool to high school. This will be our 10th year of holding this camp in Petofibanya and we rejoice in seeing how God has used it over the years. Kids like Eszti, Zsofia and Gabi who once attended as children, have since come to know Jesus as their personal Savior along with parents like Timi, Jennifer and a grandmother, Edit. Now they are a core part of the facilitating team and are using the gifts God has given them to bless a new generation of Hungarians with the Gospel.

Above: Edit, who attended our VBS with her grandchildren in years past, came to know Christ last year and is full of thanksgiving for having the privilege of now serving as a follower of Jesus.

Above: Eszti, now nineteen, attended our VBS as a child and was afterwards saved in one of our English camps.
Please pray for success in teaching curriculum that proclaims Jesus and the Gospel effectively. Pray for a small group of volunteer teen workers that are NOT believers to hear and understand His message as they help throughout the week. Pray for the core group of over 30 Christian volunteers (health, unity, strength, wisdom). Pray for both children and parents to gain a clear understanding of God’s grace. Pray that a new generation would be drawn to God and put their faith in Jesus!
Jászfényszaru English Club

Above: Teammate Roger teaching in Jászfényszaru.

Above: The advanced English Class. Bogi is pictured center (with scarf) and her sister Kinga is next to her in blue.
A few weeks ago we transitioned the second hour of our advanced English class into a Bible study. We’re now on chapter three from the book of John and continue to see God drawing students Kati (community center leader) and Bogi to Himself.

Above: Kati, the Community Center leader attends our Bible study every week.
As we discussed the term 'being born again' and the work of the Holy Spirit, Kati began asking how someone knows when the Spirit causes this new birth. Arnold, who attends from our church, was able to give a bit of his personal testimony and experience of how God transformed his heart. Kati also asked how we can know that we can trust the Bible. As we talked about valid reasons, it was clear that she was also convinced that she could trust God’s word. We will have one more class before stopping for summer break. Student Bogi is considering attending our English camp and also coming as a helper in our VBS. Please pray that we would have continued opportunity to reach out to Kati and Bogi in the summer months before we start the English club up again in September.
Jászfényszaru Outreaches

Above: Kids playing on the gigantic hay bales at church member’s Zita and Zsolt’s ranch in Jászfényszaru. Zita came up with the idea to invite children from her son’s middle school class and parents to a Children’s Day with a puppet show, crafts, family games and of course goulash stew.

Above: Zita helping pass out the stew. Zita’s husband Zsolt in blue passing on a hulla hoop in our family game time. Both Zita and Zsolt have been members of our church for a few years look forward to a church plant in their hometown of Jászfényszaru.

Above: Parents gathered around watching the puppet show that has just as a powerful message for them as it does for the kids.

Above: Teammates Roger and Heidi invited their neighbors from Petofibanya who also joined us for the day with their two children. They’ll also be attending our VBS this year. This is just one in many ways along with an ongoing English Club and opportunities in the public school where we continue to seek to reach new families from Jászfényszaru. Jászfényszaru is one of four areas we are currently focusing our resources to plant churches.
Tuesday (weekly Bible study in Bogács)

Above: Teammate Brenda’s dad who was able to celebrate his seventieth birthday in Hungary with his daughter. Brenda’s parents spent three weeks visiting and rejoiced to have quality time not only touring Europe, but ministering with her.

Above: Brenda’s mom had an opportunity to meet and pray with some of the women from Bogács that Brenda meets with every week.

Above: Teammate Eniko helping out with the kids. We rejoice having ‘homegrown’ church members joining us in various church planting works.

A few weeks ago, God opened up the opportunity for us to visit two new Romani households in Bogács. This is great news as we have only had opportunity to visit one household on a consistent basis. Maci, the daughter of Puljka who's house we have been visiting the past three years, has been sharing with her girlfriend Ilona what we've been teaching each week. They would 'compare notes' as Ilona was visited by a teacher from a sect bringing false teaching. Eventually, Ilona was convinced that she wanted us to come and she now no longer allows the false teacher to visit. The other new household has a similar background of being visited by a sect weekly for over two years. After hearing about us, Edit invited us to her house to determine who was telling the truth.
On our first visit to this new household, I asked if there was any need for prayer for healing as I seek to follow the principles Jesus presented to the disciples in Luke 10:9. Edit shared that her husband András suffered from severe back pain. After speaking to him briefly about Jesus, I sought to diagnose where he was with pain on a scale from 1 to 10. He was at a 7. Placing my hand on his back I prayed in Jesus’ name for healing. Removing my hand, I asked, "Test it out. How does it feel?" Andris began to blurt out (as if expecting pain as usual) "Well it's still...." and then he stopped and looked confused. I asked again, "How is it? Any pain? Is it at a 5? Is it down to a 2?" Andras still moving around did not answer. He started smiling and grabbed my hand and said, "What do you have in there!" His pain was gone and he was healed in the midst of his family watching. I had him touch his toes and move all about to make it clear to all those in the family what Jesus had done. He began lifting his leg and telling his family, "Look, I can lift it and it doesn't hurt."
A few weeks later, Andras’ son (also named Andras) complained of the same genetic problem in his back. I prayed for healing and God healed him instantly as the family stood and watched. A few weeks ago, after finishing our Bible study and preparing to leave, one of Edit's daughters peered around the corner and said to her mom (clearly in pain) my tooth hurts. She started to head out and I called her back saying, "Let me pray for you." Samantha shared that she had throbbing pain for a week because of her wisdom tooth being pulled. As I continued to speak to her a bit about Jesus, all of a sudden the pain spiked and she began wincing. I said," give me your hand right now!" With my eyes open watching her face I began praying for healing. Then her face changed and relaxed. I said, "The pain is gone isn't it!" She was in shock. Putting her hand to her cheek, she looked at her family and said, "It's totally gone. It's gone!" I told her to give her thanks to Jesus who lives! This healing came after a great Bible study and conversation with Edit (the mother of the household), Orsi (Edit's stepdaughter) and Erika (also a mother and friend of Edit).

Above: Edit left and Erika right.
Edit is still trying to determine which 'messengers' to trust. I believe God continues to show her and her household that we are bringing His truth. Erika shared that ever since we have begun meeting and shared the truth of God’s love for her in sending Jesus to die on the cross, she has been able to sleep in peace after struggling with anxiety and a lack of sleep. She is gaining more and more understanding each week and I believe all of these women are close to making decisions to put their faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Praise God for these open doors to new families. We ask that you continue to pray for our Romani friends in Bogács.
Family PIcs

Above: Kira with ready for water war.

Above: Ben preparing to launch his paper airplane.

Above: Ellie at the park.

Above: Ziva enjoying swings with Kira.

Thank all of you for your commitment in equipping us in our ministry in Hungary. It is so amazing to consider that we’ve been here for over 15 years. We have so much more work to do and need your continued prayers and support! We appreciate your partnership with us!
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