December Update


Above: Kira and Ellie back on Christmas break!


A white Christmas

Just a few days ago, we were blessed with snowfall blanketing the drab muddy mess that we’ve seen over these past few weeks in Hungary. It is amazing how instantly that white covering completely changes such dark unattractive surroundings to such beauty. It is no wonder that God uses this image to convey how we are changed through Christ.

"Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” (Isaiah 1:18)

Because Jesus has come, we as believers can have a ‘white Christmas’. We can all rejoice that though our sins had stained us through and through, our King who died for us has covered us with His righteousness. We are covered with His wondrous work of deliverance. We are without spot or wrinkle and holy and blameless because of all that our Lord has done for us. Although the beauty of each snow fall fades, Jesus’ finished work for us covers us for eternity. Rejoice in the Lord, that the one who left heaven to be laid in the wooden manger and was nailed to the wooden cross to die for our sins is risen in glory as our Savior and Lord.

Christmas Puppet Ministry Update


Over the past two weeks, our puppet team was able to travel throughout northeastern Hungary sharing the good news of the birth of Jesus our Savior.



Above: church assembly line helping pack hundreds of gift materials we distribute to teachers in each school.



Above: Teaching the kids a song with the following lyrics: “I finally understand that Jesus is the greatest gift. Because the greatest gift that I have received, is that you came to save me.”






Above: In our puppet show, a grandfather shares the Christmas story with his granddaughter. In the story, wise men and also different animals like a camel and colt also share how they were privileged to meet Jesus the King of kings.






Above: Church member Zita (above), who served with us, was able to talk to some people organizing their Christmas event where she works. They invited us to present our show to the parents and children who would be attending a weekend Christmas gathering. God opened the door to not only be in public schools but also into this workplace!


Above: Children and parents at Zita’s workplace.


Above: Praise God for his protection as we traveled with a full car and a trailer through various weather conditions from snow, to fog, to winter slush and rain. Praise Him for sustaining us and giving each of us strength and healing when we struggled with sicknesses. Praise Him that all the equipment worked throughout each show and we were able to distribute over 1,800 evangelistic materials to kids and teachers.












Above: Years ago we were able to do our puppet show in the neighboring village of Rozsaszentmarton where our children have attended middle school. But, a principal there closed the door and did not invite us back. Just recently, this principal retired and a new principal allowed us to come again! This is an awesome open door! Currently, our youngest daughter Ziva (13) and our teammate’s daughter Naomi attend this school. Also, one of our church members, Janka, began teaching there this year. As our older daughters Kira and Ellie (above left) returned on Christmas break, they were able to visit the school with us and reconnect with teachers they had known for years. Janka shared that after the show, the principal had a meeting with the teachers to ask for feedback. All of them gave very positive comments, with one saying it was heartwarming. We hope to be able to come back at Easter.

Thank you for standing with us in this seed sowing ministry. We are praying for a new generation of Hungarians to be raised up as faithful followers of Christ. Here is a short film I put together of some highlights through the week.

Petofibánya Church Choir


We’re not professional by any means, but we had a wonderful group of younger and older church members come together to sing Christmas songs of praise to God for our community and for our Christmas worship service.





Above: Every year our choir visits the retirement home where church member Gizi lives. Gizi is a true servant at this retirement home and is a bright light to the elderly community there.

Christmas Events


Above: Youth group Christmas gathering. A fun night of singing, decorating ginger bread men and eating too much sugar.



Above: As a gift to families that attend the Mother’s of Preschooler’s ministry, I did family portraits. I was thankful to see new families that I had not seen last year.


Above: Sunday pizza party and Advent wreath creation.






Above: Church member Janko with a beautiful smile and a changed life. Just a few years ago, Janko was literally close to death, having a terrible problem with alcoholism and suffering the consequences of a marriage and family that was falling apart. Through the perseverance of his wife’s faithfulness, the prayers of the church and men like teammate Roger investing in Janko’s life, he is truly a changed man. Praise God who continues to do the impossible in raising the dead to life!


Above: Ben and his girlfriend Niki will be joining us on Christmas. We look forward to our entire family being together.

Our family wishes you a joyous Christmas full of the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you.” (Psalm 33:22)
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