Thank you all for your prayers for our family as we traveled back to the US. The kids did great on the long flight back.


Just a few days after our arrival, we were off on a road trip with family. We traveled from Delaware to Florida and spent a week in Disney World with Allen’s dad, and his two brothers and their families.



Above: It was a two day road trip with plenty of stops for the kids to get some needed exercise after being cramped in the car.



We had a great time at Disney with family. For those of you who were praying for Kira’s broken collar bone to heal up, she was feeling better by the time we got to Disney. She was able to ride on all the rides with no problems and God even protected her when she slipped and fell one of the days at Disney.


Above: Kira and Ellie with cousin Scarlet.


Above: Uncle Sam with his son Matthew.



Above: On the way back from Florida we stopped by the Sommers who served with us in Hungary year’s ago. We were thankful that our kids could re-connect and pick up where they left off years ago.


Above: Gotta love their new dog Rosy with her radar ears.

After a marathon of traveling, we finally were able to truly unpack at Matt and Karen’s house in Delaware. They have been gracious to allow us to stay in their house while we are on home assignment.


Above: Matt helping Kira on the swings at a nearby playgound.



Above: Once we were back in Delaware, we celebrated Kira’s fifth birthday!




Above: Heidi just a few days before giving birth to her second child, Samuel Henry. We are rejoicing with our teammates Roger and Heidi for the gift of another child.


Above: Heidi’s parents made the long trip out to Hungary to help in this time of transition for their family.


Above: Hungarian teammate Miki’s daughter Anna was taken to the emergency room just days ago for appendicitis. Miki tells me that he is thankful that the surgery went well and that Anna should be released from the hospital soon. Please pray for Anna’s complete healing, for comfort and for the needed rest she needs to fully recover.


• Kira’s collar bone is much better!
• We saw our baby’s heartbeat today at a general examination. Praise God for our child’s healthy progress.
• We made it to the US with no complications (all luggage and all Mercers in tact). We also traveled to and from Florida (a very long trip) with no complications. Praise God!
• Praise God for the car he has provided for us to use while at home and for the house Matt and Karen have graciously provided for us to stay in these next few weeks.


• Please pray for Anna’s full recovery from surgery.
• Teens from our church in Hungary will be attending a conference this weekend. Please pray that each would be built up through God’s word and have a greater sense of His will for them.
• Allen and Kira have been suffering from the pollen in Delaware’s air. Please pray for healing.
• We have already met with a few small groups to share how God has been at work in Hungary. Please pray for God to provide the monthly support we need before we can return to Hungary in mid June.

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