This Weekend
May 25, 2008

Above: Zoli and Gabi serving with us as we participated in the neighboring village's Children's Day Celebration. The word has gotten out about how we have served in these events in Petőfibánya, as we have received multiple invites to surrounding villages. These are great opportunities to meet the community, to invite children to our VBS camp, and to hand out gospel tracts.

Above: A parent receiving an invite to our VBS from Hugi who also served with us on Friday. We praise God for turning the rain clouds away and providing beautiful weather for Friday. We praise Him for leading others to partner with us from church in these community outreach events.

Above: C'mon, the night is young. It's time for youth group Hungarian style. God has led us to begin hiking with the teens on Friday nights. This gives us quality time together and allows for more opportunities to hear their hearts and opportunities to teach them about the abundant life found in Jesus Christ.

Above: Smores and seeking to connect on a deeper level. One of our discussion questions was, "If God were sitting right here with us and allowed you to ask Him one question, what would it be?" Those that joined us not only hear the faith of the adults, but now Gabi and Zoli are giving testimony to God's grace and love in their lives. Many of the teens that are coming are from the neighboring village of Zagyvaszántó. Istvan, who attends our English program and now our marriage Bible studies has also begun to join us on these hikes with his sons.

Above: On Saturday morning we converged at Janka and Csaba's apartment to help them with their move to Budapest.

Above: Csaba and his wife Janka (she's not in the box) will be beginning a new season of life seeking new work and new opportunities in the town of Budafok in Budapest. Their move has brought sadness to our team as we morn the loss of our working together, but we are joyful that they have a home church where they are moving and trust that God will direct them in the calling He has specifically designed for them in life.

Above: Teenagers Gabi and Zoli helping us 'old fogies' out. Soon after Janka and Csaba's things were out of the apartment, Peti and his fiancee Edina arrived with their moving truck. I helped them move their things into this 'holy' apartment which has housed teammates Heidi, Brenda, then Janka and Csaba and now Peti and his wife to be Edina.

Above: Roses blooming in our backyard.

Above: Unfortunately, Elianna has come down with a mild case of the chicken pox (she has already been vaccinated). She has been enjoying her time off from preschool with mom and gardening in the back yard. By gardening, I mean digging holes and filling buckets up with dirt.

Above L: Géza Kovacs Above R: János Papp. Géza is the pastor of the church that is sending out Peti to serve with us in Petőfibánya. János Papp who is the president of missions in the Baptist union in Hungary was guest speaker at Peti's sending service this morning.


Above: Steve Zub was our guest teacher tonight. Steve is a missionary from Canada that is serving in our county in the town of Gyöngyös. We hope to be able to develop more ways to partner with Steve and the Hungarians he serves in Church planting. Steve talked about Jesus being the message we are seeking to preach. He spoke of salvation being found only in Him and also about the established reality of our victory in Christ even though we don't always feel it every moment in life.

Below: A film of memories of Janka and Csaba serving with us in Petőfibánya. This was their last night with us before starting a new season of life in Budapest.

Above: Zoli and Gabi serving with us as we participated in the neighboring village's Children's Day Celebration. The word has gotten out about how we have served in these events in Petőfibánya, as we have received multiple invites to surrounding villages. These are great opportunities to meet the community, to invite children to our VBS camp, and to hand out gospel tracts.

Above: A parent receiving an invite to our VBS from Hugi who also served with us on Friday. We praise God for turning the rain clouds away and providing beautiful weather for Friday. We praise Him for leading others to partner with us from church in these community outreach events.

Above: C'mon, the night is young. It's time for youth group Hungarian style. God has led us to begin hiking with the teens on Friday nights. This gives us quality time together and allows for more opportunities to hear their hearts and opportunities to teach them about the abundant life found in Jesus Christ.

Above: Smores and seeking to connect on a deeper level. One of our discussion questions was, "If God were sitting right here with us and allowed you to ask Him one question, what would it be?" Those that joined us not only hear the faith of the adults, but now Gabi and Zoli are giving testimony to God's grace and love in their lives. Many of the teens that are coming are from the neighboring village of Zagyvaszántó. Istvan, who attends our English program and now our marriage Bible studies has also begun to join us on these hikes with his sons.

Above: On Saturday morning we converged at Janka and Csaba's apartment to help them with their move to Budapest.

Above: Csaba and his wife Janka (she's not in the box) will be beginning a new season of life seeking new work and new opportunities in the town of Budafok in Budapest. Their move has brought sadness to our team as we morn the loss of our working together, but we are joyful that they have a home church where they are moving and trust that God will direct them in the calling He has specifically designed for them in life.

Above: Teenagers Gabi and Zoli helping us 'old fogies' out. Soon after Janka and Csaba's things were out of the apartment, Peti and his fiancee Edina arrived with their moving truck. I helped them move their things into this 'holy' apartment which has housed teammates Heidi, Brenda, then Janka and Csaba and now Peti and his wife to be Edina.

Above: Roses blooming in our backyard.

Above: Unfortunately, Elianna has come down with a mild case of the chicken pox (she has already been vaccinated). She has been enjoying her time off from preschool with mom and gardening in the back yard. By gardening, I mean digging holes and filling buckets up with dirt.

Above L: Géza Kovacs Above R: János Papp. Géza is the pastor of the church that is sending out Peti to serve with us in Petőfibánya. János Papp who is the president of missions in the Baptist union in Hungary was guest speaker at Peti's sending service this morning.


Above: Steve Zub was our guest teacher tonight. Steve is a missionary from Canada that is serving in our county in the town of Gyöngyös. We hope to be able to develop more ways to partner with Steve and the Hungarians he serves in Church planting. Steve talked about Jesus being the message we are seeking to preach. He spoke of salvation being found only in Him and also about the established reality of our victory in Christ even though we don't always feel it every moment in life.

Below: A film of memories of Janka and Csaba serving with us in Petőfibánya. This was their last night with us before starting a new season of life in Budapest.
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