April 09, 2011

Above: Bori grabbed us as we walked into the Egyházasdengeleg school and gave us traditional kisses on the right and left cheek. This type of greeting is reserved for close friends and reveals how she has grown closer to us over the past six years we have been doing puppet ministry in her school. Miki has had multiple opportunity to provide evangelistic materials to Bori and continue conversations over email. Before leaving, Miki invited Bori and some of the other teachers to a cook-out at his house later this year. Bori told Miki that it is hard to find a forum to just talk and share what is going on in life. May the Lord continue to draw these teachers to Himself.

Above: One of the kids kindly prepared an empty tomb gift to give to us at the end of the show.

Above: Setting up our stage at Héhalom, our second destination.

Above: Hugi, once a church member in Petőfibánya who relocated to Budapest joined us for Friday’s puppet ministry. We see how Hugi has grown in her faith throughout the years. Even though Hugi has limited motion in her one arm because of suffering a stroke years ago, God has opened up many doors where she can bless others in her new home church in Budapest. Currently Hugi is completing an extension program on teaching children the Bible.

Above: C’mon Peti, we still have two more shows today!

Above: One of the kids giving us a fair-well shout through the school window.

Above: Even the teachers are drawn into the show. Part of the storyline involves a hedgehog that has trouble accepting the love of others and ends up hurting others with his words and attitude and finally one of his spines. One of the hurt friends initially turns away from the hedgehog but then hears the story of Jesus Christ’s death for our sins and resurrection from the dead. In the scene when Jesus is dying on the cross, the narrator highlights the account of Jesus praying for his enemies. This friend then turns back to find the hedgehog and begins loving him as Christ loved us. This gives Miki an opportunity after the show to talk about the Gospel and the affects of the God’s love which transforms the way we live in relationships.

As Miki was sharing the Gospel in Szirák at the end of the show, he was reciting John 3:16. We were thankful to hear many in the audience begin shouting out the verse with him from memory. I’m not sure if this is from local teaching that they are receiving or from hearing the CDs that we distribute every year. In any case, it is great!

Above: Our final destination for Friday was our hometown of Petőfibánya. For years past, this has been one of the worst behaved schools and we often encounter the most difficulty when sharing the gospel after the puppet show because of kids chattering and the lack of help from teachers to keep the kids in order during the show. This year was completely different! The kids who came had to have permission from their parents, so it wasn’t an extremely large group. But even without a teacher present, the kids payed attention throughout the show and had no need of any form of correction. Most of these kids regularly attend Miki’s Bible classes in school (held once a week). Praise God for bringing transformation to Petfiábanya!

Above: Our friend Edina who used to attend our English Bible studies brought her son to the show.


Above: Last night at 2:00 in the morning we heard a thump in the night, then crying. Initially we thought Kira had fallen out of bed (which only happened once before in her life). It turns out that on her way to the bathroom, which is right next to her room, she somehow slipped and fell. It was clear that the pain she was experiencing was not subsiding. Praise God that she was able to get back to sleep after helping her back into bed, but the signs the next morning pointed to a possible muscle strain or broken bone. After today’s puppet shows, we were off to Budapest for x-rays.

Above: Minutes after the x-ray, the specialist said, “Yep, it’s broken.” This type of break is common in kids Kira’s age and after wearing a sling for 3-4 weeks, the bone should fuse back together with no problems. Praise God for helping her get back to sleep and for the ability to see a doctor on Friday!
• Although each of the guys (Miki, Allen and Roger) seem to be improving with their sinus sickness we would appreciate continued prayer.
• Unfortunately, Roger’s daughter Emily continues to wake up multiple times a night having trouble sleeping. Please continue to pray for us and our families that we would be able to sleep through the night in this time of evangelistic ministry.
• Kira seems pretty content with her sling and thankfully not in constant pain. Please pray for healing of her collar bone, and for protection for her in this time of healing.
• Sharon is experiencing sinus cold symptoms. Please pray for healing.
• Allen will be leading Worship Service on Sunday, please pray for wisdom and for the church to be built up in Christ.

Above: Bori grabbed us as we walked into the Egyházasdengeleg school and gave us traditional kisses on the right and left cheek. This type of greeting is reserved for close friends and reveals how she has grown closer to us over the past six years we have been doing puppet ministry in her school. Miki has had multiple opportunity to provide evangelistic materials to Bori and continue conversations over email. Before leaving, Miki invited Bori and some of the other teachers to a cook-out at his house later this year. Bori told Miki that it is hard to find a forum to just talk and share what is going on in life. May the Lord continue to draw these teachers to Himself.

Above: One of the kids kindly prepared an empty tomb gift to give to us at the end of the show.

Above: Setting up our stage at Héhalom, our second destination.

Above: Hugi, once a church member in Petőfibánya who relocated to Budapest joined us for Friday’s puppet ministry. We see how Hugi has grown in her faith throughout the years. Even though Hugi has limited motion in her one arm because of suffering a stroke years ago, God has opened up many doors where she can bless others in her new home church in Budapest. Currently Hugi is completing an extension program on teaching children the Bible.

Above: C’mon Peti, we still have two more shows today!

Above: One of the kids giving us a fair-well shout through the school window.

Above: Even the teachers are drawn into the show. Part of the storyline involves a hedgehog that has trouble accepting the love of others and ends up hurting others with his words and attitude and finally one of his spines. One of the hurt friends initially turns away from the hedgehog but then hears the story of Jesus Christ’s death for our sins and resurrection from the dead. In the scene when Jesus is dying on the cross, the narrator highlights the account of Jesus praying for his enemies. This friend then turns back to find the hedgehog and begins loving him as Christ loved us. This gives Miki an opportunity after the show to talk about the Gospel and the affects of the God’s love which transforms the way we live in relationships.

As Miki was sharing the Gospel in Szirák at the end of the show, he was reciting John 3:16. We were thankful to hear many in the audience begin shouting out the verse with him from memory. I’m not sure if this is from local teaching that they are receiving or from hearing the CDs that we distribute every year. In any case, it is great!

Above: Our final destination for Friday was our hometown of Petőfibánya. For years past, this has been one of the worst behaved schools and we often encounter the most difficulty when sharing the gospel after the puppet show because of kids chattering and the lack of help from teachers to keep the kids in order during the show. This year was completely different! The kids who came had to have permission from their parents, so it wasn’t an extremely large group. But even without a teacher present, the kids payed attention throughout the show and had no need of any form of correction. Most of these kids regularly attend Miki’s Bible classes in school (held once a week). Praise God for bringing transformation to Petfiábanya!

Above: Our friend Edina who used to attend our English Bible studies brought her son to the show.


Above: Last night at 2:00 in the morning we heard a thump in the night, then crying. Initially we thought Kira had fallen out of bed (which only happened once before in her life). It turns out that on her way to the bathroom, which is right next to her room, she somehow slipped and fell. It was clear that the pain she was experiencing was not subsiding. Praise God that she was able to get back to sleep after helping her back into bed, but the signs the next morning pointed to a possible muscle strain or broken bone. After today’s puppet shows, we were off to Budapest for x-rays.

Above: Minutes after the x-ray, the specialist said, “Yep, it’s broken.” This type of break is common in kids Kira’s age and after wearing a sling for 3-4 weeks, the bone should fuse back together with no problems. Praise God for helping her get back to sleep and for the ability to see a doctor on Friday!
• Although each of the guys (Miki, Allen and Roger) seem to be improving with their sinus sickness we would appreciate continued prayer.
• Unfortunately, Roger’s daughter Emily continues to wake up multiple times a night having trouble sleeping. Please continue to pray for us and our families that we would be able to sleep through the night in this time of evangelistic ministry.
• Kira seems pretty content with her sling and thankfully not in constant pain. Please pray for healing of her collar bone, and for protection for her in this time of healing.
• Sharon is experiencing sinus cold symptoms. Please pray for healing.
• Allen will be leading Worship Service on Sunday, please pray for wisdom and for the church to be built up in Christ.
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