Christmas Puppet Ministry Day 2


Above: The Mercer ministry mobile outside of Sarvasgede’s preschool early this morning. We rejoiced in seeing clear bright skies today. It seems like it has been a week since the sun has been out.



Above: It is our prayer that these kids encounter the love of God when we come. We’re thankful that even the smallest kids had smiles on their faces and were quick to begin interacting with us.






Above: Grandma opening her Bible to tell her grandchild the Christmas story.



Above: This is one of two teams doing puppets this year from our church. From L to R: Miki, Hugi, Erika, Jennifer and Timi. The second team will begin next Saturday as we finish traveling to 32 destinations.



Above: Norbi helping distribute this year’s evangelistic children’s magazine and CD. It’s always good to have extra guys around helping with the heavy lifting, unpacking and packing. Norbi first came to know us through a children’s outreach in Petofibanya over 10 years ago. We’re thankful that the seeds planted long ago in his heart continued to grow and just this year Norbi put his faith in Jesus.

Praise God for another great day of Puppet Ministry. This week our team only has one show each day. As we enter next week that will change to 2-4 shows a day. Tomorrow we’ll be heading to a neighboring village of Rozsaszentmarton (where our kids go to school). Many of you may recall that we had been denied access to this school for many years and last year was the first time we had the opportunity to enter. This is also a town where we are seeking to plant a church. Please pray that the door remain open in this village and please pray for the other ongoing ministries in Rozsaszentmarton (weekly Bible class in school and weekly house group).
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