April 11, 2011
This update is going to be short. I got home late as I caught up with an old friend visiting Budapest from the US after our puppet shows today. Overall, it was a great day with no problems. The team seemed well rested from the weekend and continue to serve with joy. The teachers from the schools we visited today (Erdőtarcsa, Kállo, and Erdőkürt) all commented on how great the show was and how they wait for us to return each year. The first school we visited (Erdőtarcsa pictures below) is one of the schools we have consistently visited over the past six years of doing puppets. The teachers along with the kids from this school wholeheartedly participate in all the singing and motions.

Above: This year’s song has lyrics that simply proclaim the truths of the gospel. Verse 1: He died for me, He suffered in my place, verse 2: On the third day He rose from the dead, Jesus lives today, verse 3: I received new life from Him, I’ve been born again, verse 4: Every knee will bow before Him, His is the glory, verse 5: Say yes and no, say yes to Him and no to sin. The kids really enjoy singing verse 2 when they get to jump into the air to signify His raising from the dead. How amazing that God has opened a door to proclaim His love through the gospel (even through song) to 18 public schools in our area. Praise God.

We appreciate your continued prayer support! This is a battle for the lives of a new generation and we truly need you all to join this battle through prayer. When the apostle Paul talks about the spiritual battle we are engaged in and the “whole armor of God” that we are to put on to stand against the schemes of the devil, he ends by saying, “praying at all times in the Spirit...keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel” Eph 6:18 God has ordained that your prayers be part of this battle, this week!
• Please pray for Kira (she is doing great) in this first week of her collar bone healing up.
• Please pray for Roger’s daughter Emily who has a cold.
• Please pray for Allen who was stung on the wrist on Saturday and continues to deal with swelling and discomfort.
• Please pray for those who will see the show tomorrow, especially for a group of mentally disabled young adults to be blessed by the singing, the show and the teaching tomorrow.
• Please continue to pray that our families would be protected in this time and for our little ones to be able to sleep.

Above: This year’s song has lyrics that simply proclaim the truths of the gospel. Verse 1: He died for me, He suffered in my place, verse 2: On the third day He rose from the dead, Jesus lives today, verse 3: I received new life from Him, I’ve been born again, verse 4: Every knee will bow before Him, His is the glory, verse 5: Say yes and no, say yes to Him and no to sin. The kids really enjoy singing verse 2 when they get to jump into the air to signify His raising from the dead. How amazing that God has opened a door to proclaim His love through the gospel (even through song) to 18 public schools in our area. Praise God.

We appreciate your continued prayer support! This is a battle for the lives of a new generation and we truly need you all to join this battle through prayer. When the apostle Paul talks about the spiritual battle we are engaged in and the “whole armor of God” that we are to put on to stand against the schemes of the devil, he ends by saying, “praying at all times in the Spirit...keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel” Eph 6:18 God has ordained that your prayers be part of this battle, this week!
• Please pray for Kira (she is doing great) in this first week of her collar bone healing up.
• Please pray for Roger’s daughter Emily who has a cold.
• Please pray for Allen who was stung on the wrist on Saturday and continues to deal with swelling and discomfort.
• Please pray for those who will see the show tomorrow, especially for a group of mentally disabled young adults to be blessed by the singing, the show and the teaching tomorrow.
• Please continue to pray that our families would be protected in this time and for our little ones to be able to sleep.
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