Weekly Update
September 29, 2009

Above: Yes that is a '3' and an '8' leaning against the birthday girl's orange cake. Thankfully I (Allen) did not make any of the cake but was only responsible to light the candles. I think I am blessed most with Sharon's birthday, and I continue to be amazed at God's grace in giving this special woman to me as a wife. Though the '3' and '8' put together add up to 'old', Sharon continues to look and act as young as she was when I met her. I am thankful that God made her, and especially thankful that God made us to be one as husband and wife in this world.

Above: Elianna and Kira having fun at an event organized by the local preschool. Elianna is continuing to progress in learning to read and Kira is doing an excellent job navigating through her first year of submersion in the jungle of Hungarian preschool. Every other day, Kira tells me how one of the boys hit her in the head or pushed her off the couch. Thankfully she gets over these things pretty quickly (the tiger that she is). Kira also seems to be doing well picking up the language. She has already learned her first Hungarian nursery rhyme.

Above: Ben, who just learned how to ride his bike a few weeks ago, showing off his ability to now stand up like daddy on his bike.

Above: Of course, Kira was quick to follow and say, "Look at me daddy!"

Above: Special guest Enikő who was saved at our last English camp attended our outreach on Friday. In our small group discussion, she was bold in sharing that her most valuable possession in life is her relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Above: Miki improvising with Ádám who attended our VBS and continues to attend our Friday outreach.

Above: This was Virág and Dia's first time attending and Hugi (far left) did a great job helping them feel welcomed and accepted.

Above: Betti (far left) who initially heard about our Friday night outreach at our Englsh Bible study now comes every week and brings friends. Betti also has begun attending our church!

Above: Eszti and husband Peti (who was saved recently) come an hour early every week for our ministry training class and prayer before our outreach. We are looking forward to baptizing Peti (who has been attending our foundation of faith/baptism class) in the near future.

Above: We had a good number of campers show up for our reunion and were thankful to catch up with many of them.

Above: Niki who has been attending our church for almost two years and has professed her faith in Jesus also attended. Please pray for Niki who has a very tough home situation, a new school that she is adjusting to, and a new faith that she sometimes wavers in. After attending our foundations of the faith/batism class on Sunday's she has decided not to be baptized at this time. She wants to be sure of her decision and I want to be sure of her understanding of the Gospel. This is a time when the enemy will flood her life with all kinds of distractions and temptations. Pray for her to be strengthened in her faith and understanding of Jesus and pray that she would be protected from being drawn into a path that leads to destruction in life.

Above: Our church was invited to introduce ourselves to the church plant in Rakoskeresztur on Sunday morning. Miki gave an overview of how God called him to plant in Petőfibánya, and Gabi and Hugi shared how Jesus was working in their lives. What a joy to see Hugi and Gabi who were once lost, standing in front of a congregation giving praise to Jesus for His grace.
Afterwards, we split up and joined various Rakoskeresztur families for lunch. It was great to hear personal testimonies of how God brought salvation into their lives. One person told me about her upbringing in an atheist home, with a father who ended up committing suicide and a mother who was an alcoholic. Later social services took her away and put her in the care of a loving family and throughout that time she was attending a youth group outreach attracted by the atmosphere of love and acceptance. As time went by, she came to know her personal need to repent of sin and to believe in Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Afterwards, she felt a call to reach out to kids who have similar difficult experiences, sharing Jesus with them. Unfortunately, her background experience with a family member committing suicide and another an alcoholic is not rare but common here in Hungary. Praise Jesus that He entered into her suffering and brought her out a daughter that will be effective in bringing others out to meet Jesus.
After lunch, we loaded the car back up and headed back to Petőfibánya to begin our worship service in the afternoon.

Above: Roger and Hiedi's daughter Emily drawing a crowd after worship service.
Just before service, Edina, who attends our English Bible study, was just about to walk in. Unfortunately, her son who doesn't know us or those in our church very well, was very much resisting the idea of coming to church. All I could do was pray as she was in the midst of convincing him to come inside. In the end, she was able to come but I can see the various ways that the enemy is making her journey as hard as possible. Edina's daughter who also began attending our English Bible study and afterward our Teen Outreach, has now begun attending our church. What a joy to see God drawing this family to Himself. Please pray for Edina, for Noel (her son) and for Betti (her daughter), that they would all come to know just how extreme and faithful the grace and love of God is in Jesus Christ.

Above: Yes that is a '3' and an '8' leaning against the birthday girl's orange cake. Thankfully I (Allen) did not make any of the cake but was only responsible to light the candles. I think I am blessed most with Sharon's birthday, and I continue to be amazed at God's grace in giving this special woman to me as a wife. Though the '3' and '8' put together add up to 'old', Sharon continues to look and act as young as she was when I met her. I am thankful that God made her, and especially thankful that God made us to be one as husband and wife in this world.

Above: Elianna and Kira having fun at an event organized by the local preschool. Elianna is continuing to progress in learning to read and Kira is doing an excellent job navigating through her first year of submersion in the jungle of Hungarian preschool. Every other day, Kira tells me how one of the boys hit her in the head or pushed her off the couch. Thankfully she gets over these things pretty quickly (the tiger that she is). Kira also seems to be doing well picking up the language. She has already learned her first Hungarian nursery rhyme.

Above: Ben, who just learned how to ride his bike a few weeks ago, showing off his ability to now stand up like daddy on his bike.

Above: Of course, Kira was quick to follow and say, "Look at me daddy!"

Above: Special guest Enikő who was saved at our last English camp attended our outreach on Friday. In our small group discussion, she was bold in sharing that her most valuable possession in life is her relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Above: Miki improvising with Ádám who attended our VBS and continues to attend our Friday outreach.

Above: This was Virág and Dia's first time attending and Hugi (far left) did a great job helping them feel welcomed and accepted.

Above: Betti (far left) who initially heard about our Friday night outreach at our Englsh Bible study now comes every week and brings friends. Betti also has begun attending our church!

Above: Eszti and husband Peti (who was saved recently) come an hour early every week for our ministry training class and prayer before our outreach. We are looking forward to baptizing Peti (who has been attending our foundation of faith/baptism class) in the near future.

Above: We had a good number of campers show up for our reunion and were thankful to catch up with many of them.

Above: Niki who has been attending our church for almost two years and has professed her faith in Jesus also attended. Please pray for Niki who has a very tough home situation, a new school that she is adjusting to, and a new faith that she sometimes wavers in. After attending our foundations of the faith/batism class on Sunday's she has decided not to be baptized at this time. She wants to be sure of her decision and I want to be sure of her understanding of the Gospel. This is a time when the enemy will flood her life with all kinds of distractions and temptations. Pray for her to be strengthened in her faith and understanding of Jesus and pray that she would be protected from being drawn into a path that leads to destruction in life.

Above: Our church was invited to introduce ourselves to the church plant in Rakoskeresztur on Sunday morning. Miki gave an overview of how God called him to plant in Petőfibánya, and Gabi and Hugi shared how Jesus was working in their lives. What a joy to see Hugi and Gabi who were once lost, standing in front of a congregation giving praise to Jesus for His grace.
Afterwards, we split up and joined various Rakoskeresztur families for lunch. It was great to hear personal testimonies of how God brought salvation into their lives. One person told me about her upbringing in an atheist home, with a father who ended up committing suicide and a mother who was an alcoholic. Later social services took her away and put her in the care of a loving family and throughout that time she was attending a youth group outreach attracted by the atmosphere of love and acceptance. As time went by, she came to know her personal need to repent of sin and to believe in Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Afterwards, she felt a call to reach out to kids who have similar difficult experiences, sharing Jesus with them. Unfortunately, her background experience with a family member committing suicide and another an alcoholic is not rare but common here in Hungary. Praise Jesus that He entered into her suffering and brought her out a daughter that will be effective in bringing others out to meet Jesus.
After lunch, we loaded the car back up and headed back to Petőfibánya to begin our worship service in the afternoon.

Above: Roger and Hiedi's daughter Emily drawing a crowd after worship service.
Just before service, Edina, who attends our English Bible study, was just about to walk in. Unfortunately, her son who doesn't know us or those in our church very well, was very much resisting the idea of coming to church. All I could do was pray as she was in the midst of convincing him to come inside. In the end, she was able to come but I can see the various ways that the enemy is making her journey as hard as possible. Edina's daughter who also began attending our English Bible study and afterward our Teen Outreach, has now begun attending our church. What a joy to see God drawing this family to Himself. Please pray for Edina, for Noel (her son) and for Betti (her daughter), that they would all come to know just how extreme and faithful the grace and love of God is in Jesus Christ.
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