April 04, 2011

Above: With the generous gifts of a few supporters (thanks!), we were able to purchase 1,800 evangelistic packets to distribute over the next two weeks. Praise God there were no issues going into town to pick up the materials.

Above: Church member Peti who was saved a few years ago is excited to be joining us as a puppeteer for the first time. Peti has a full time job at a factory and was able to ask for a schedule that accommodated this Easter outreach. We are very thankful for him!

Above: The kids were quick to inform us at our arrival that they remembered us. When asked if they listened to the CD from Christmas, many shouted out “igen (yes)”. What an open door! We not only are able to share the gospel every Christmas and Easter, but the families get to hear the gospel over and over again on the CDs that are distributed.

Above: In addition to the children’s evangelistic packets, we have special evangelistic materials for the teachers.

Above: Praise God for the beautiful warm weather as we pack and unpack for each show. Everything worked great today. Although we had a suitcase burst open and our lights come crashing out, only one bulb was broken. Miki was able to replace it in a few minutes with no problems. God also reminded me this morning about a cable that we forgot to pack last night. Without it, we would have had no sound for the show! Praise God for reminding me. As we left Bér, the kids in the room continued to sing (on their own initiative), “On the third day He rose” over and over again. Praise God that the message of God’s Son Jesus is being proclaimed through this ministry. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!

Above: Tamás was back in church today with his wife Ági and newborn son Peti. We had an encouraging conversation as I shared my story about how God directed me to Hungary. Peti then began smiling and said, “Isn’t God amazing. Before we were Christians, God moved Ági and I to the town of Rozsaszentmarton. I had no idea where it was on a map. Then when Ági became pregnant, God directed us to move to a house that happened to be next door to Dezső who also lives in Rozsaszentmarton. Then because of my problem with alcohol and marriage problem God directed us to Dezső who then led us to Jesus.”
Paul said it best in Acts 17: 26-27 “And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him.” Praise God for HIs grace in sovereignly designing life that we might “find him”.

Above: Kira participated in a contest in Petőfibánya where participants recited poems and stories from memory. She did a great job.

Above: Val and Tina offered to watch our kids on Saturday. Sharon and I were able to have a date in Budapest (a rare occasion these days). Sharon still looks as young as the day I married her (glad she’s mine).

Above: Ben using all his might to throw his plastic airplane. Praise God that he is fully recovered from being sick over the past few weeks.

Above: Ellie enjoying her braided hair (thanks Tina).
Please continue to pray for us as we continue our Easter Puppet Ministry tomorrow.
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