Monday ESL End of Semester
May 19, 2008

Above: For our end of semester class, we had a time of singing a worship song (in English) and then gathered around a large table for a strategic building blocks game. It seems as if this semester was more about planting seeds and developing relationships than seeing dramatic changes in students' lives. Thankfully, we live here, and will continue to "always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope [we] possess." (1 Peter 3:15) As I consider students, I praise God for Csilla's heart being ever more slightly open toward Jesus. Csilla has just found out that she will indeed need surgery to remove a brain tumor. The doctors have informed her that this procedure will most likely cause blindness in one of her eyes. We count ourselves privileged as she asked that we visit her in the hospital in this most trying time. Please join us in praying for Csilla, that God would provide physical healing, and more importantly spiritual healing.

Above: The last 'play' of the night, as Hugi and Allen battled to keep their wooden structures standing. I'll let you guess who won.
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