Teen Camping Weekend
August 10, 2015
With just a few more weeks of summer before kids are back in school, we held a camping weekend for teens from our area and for the town of Jászfényszaru.

Above: Teens ready to take a hayride to the campsite. Some of the teens that attended also attended our VBS and English Camp. We have been blessed to have an influence on kids like Robin (see below) almost the entire summer.

Above: Roger and Robin getting their tent set up on Friday. As a child, Robin attended our VBS for years, but his parents were not believers and we never saw him coming to other events or church afterwards. Through various other connections, we saw that as Robin grew older he was having a tough time in school. He gained a bad reputation as a trouble maker. It was a difficult time for him and he made life difficult for teachers and other kids. His father and mother got a divorce and Robin was kicked out of one school only to return to his hometown school of Petofibanya where Roger helps teach a Bible class. Thankfully God hasn’t given up on Robin and is drawing him to Himself. We’re beginning to see changes in Robin and after English Camp, he and his mother began attending our worship service on Sundays. It may be coming more and more clear to Robin’s mom that she is building her life on the wrong foundations and she needs Jesus. We praise God for His work in this family’s life and look forward with hope in His grace overtaking their hearts. Please pray for Robin and his mother.

Above: Eszter (far right) has known us for years through VBS. One of her best friends Fanni was saved last year and is planning on being baptized. Fanni remained in fellowship with us, but Eszter seemed to drift away. After sharing my testimony and teaching on relationships, Fanni came to me and said, “Can you help me. I want to talk to Eszter about what you shared but I don’t know how.” We walked over and began asking about where she was with all that we talked about. Eszter shared that she believes but still has questions. She shared that her boyfriend (not at our camp) was a skeptic and as we talked more, it became clear to me that what I shared was stirring in her heart. Part of my story is having a girlfriend who was opposed to my running toward Jesus when I was saved. Eszter’s boyfriend seemed to be doing the same. I asked if I could pray for her and her boyfriend. As I began praying, she began weeping. I believe she is seeing more clearly and she is recognizing that she needs to make a difficult choice. Please pray for Eszter to choose Jesus.

Above: Kinga (left) and Bogi (right) with their two brothers intertwined as they helped teach us traditional Hungarian dances at camp. We first met Bogi and Kinga through our English Club we held in Jászfényszaru. It became clear after the first few opportunities where we shared testimonies of the hope we have in us that Bogi was interested. We then transitioned into doing a Bible study in the second hour of our English Club and Bogi continued to take steps closer and closer to making a decision. Then Bogi attended our VBS as a helper and saw our entire church serving together in unity and with the joy that the Spirit had given us. She continued to bring up questions and God continued to send answers. On the first night of this camping weekend, I saw Bogi sitting with Dezso talking for over an hour. I found out later that Bogi had begun a conversation with him at VBS that they weren’t able to finish…well, they finished that conversation now and the result is that Bogi decided to put her faith in Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and Lord! Praise God for seeking and saving the lost. “I have been found by those who did not seek me; I have shown myself to those who did not ask for me.” — Rom 10:20

Above: A match made in heaven…literally. We praise God for causing us to meet at just the right time and helping us to know His love so that we could love one another according to His good plan. God is faithful.

Above: Family portrait in the sunflower behind Petofibanya. This picture taken just before giant mosquitoes attack us and we scramble to pack up and escape in our car.
Thank you all for your continued support and partnership in ministering to Hungarians!

Above: Teens ready to take a hayride to the campsite. Some of the teens that attended also attended our VBS and English Camp. We have been blessed to have an influence on kids like Robin (see below) almost the entire summer.

Above: Roger and Robin getting their tent set up on Friday. As a child, Robin attended our VBS for years, but his parents were not believers and we never saw him coming to other events or church afterwards. Through various other connections, we saw that as Robin grew older he was having a tough time in school. He gained a bad reputation as a trouble maker. It was a difficult time for him and he made life difficult for teachers and other kids. His father and mother got a divorce and Robin was kicked out of one school only to return to his hometown school of Petofibanya where Roger helps teach a Bible class. Thankfully God hasn’t given up on Robin and is drawing him to Himself. We’re beginning to see changes in Robin and after English Camp, he and his mother began attending our worship service on Sundays. It may be coming more and more clear to Robin’s mom that she is building her life on the wrong foundations and she needs Jesus. We praise God for His work in this family’s life and look forward with hope in His grace overtaking their hearts. Please pray for Robin and his mother.

Above: Eszter (far right) has known us for years through VBS. One of her best friends Fanni was saved last year and is planning on being baptized. Fanni remained in fellowship with us, but Eszter seemed to drift away. After sharing my testimony and teaching on relationships, Fanni came to me and said, “Can you help me. I want to talk to Eszter about what you shared but I don’t know how.” We walked over and began asking about where she was with all that we talked about. Eszter shared that she believes but still has questions. She shared that her boyfriend (not at our camp) was a skeptic and as we talked more, it became clear to me that what I shared was stirring in her heart. Part of my story is having a girlfriend who was opposed to my running toward Jesus when I was saved. Eszter’s boyfriend seemed to be doing the same. I asked if I could pray for her and her boyfriend. As I began praying, she began weeping. I believe she is seeing more clearly and she is recognizing that she needs to make a difficult choice. Please pray for Eszter to choose Jesus.

Above: Kinga (left) and Bogi (right) with their two brothers intertwined as they helped teach us traditional Hungarian dances at camp. We first met Bogi and Kinga through our English Club we held in Jászfényszaru. It became clear after the first few opportunities where we shared testimonies of the hope we have in us that Bogi was interested. We then transitioned into doing a Bible study in the second hour of our English Club and Bogi continued to take steps closer and closer to making a decision. Then Bogi attended our VBS as a helper and saw our entire church serving together in unity and with the joy that the Spirit had given us. She continued to bring up questions and God continued to send answers. On the first night of this camping weekend, I saw Bogi sitting with Dezso talking for over an hour. I found out later that Bogi had begun a conversation with him at VBS that they weren’t able to finish…well, they finished that conversation now and the result is that Bogi decided to put her faith in Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and Lord! Praise God for seeking and saving the lost. “I have been found by those who did not seek me; I have shown myself to those who did not ask for me.” — Rom 10:20
Happy 17th Anniversary to us!

Above: A match made in heaven…literally. We praise God for causing us to meet at just the right time and helping us to know His love so that we could love one another according to His good plan. God is faithful.

Above: Family portrait in the sunflower behind Petofibanya. This picture taken just before giant mosquitoes attack us and we scramble to pack up and escape in our car.
Thank you all for your continued support and partnership in ministering to Hungarians!
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