April 05, 2011

Above: Driving up to Heréd’s public school for today’s Easter Puppet Ministry.

Above: Kids helping set up the gym for the show.
Over the past year we have seen God at work in Heréd. Most of you know that a woman named Marcsi from Heréd called our team asking if we could hold discussions about our faith with the community. Marcsi is not a believer but has gone out of her way to organize events where we can share the truth of God’s word in her small town. God is drawing people to Himself and it is our hope that the seeds we plant in these towns will grow by His grace.

Above: Ákos. As we were unpacking and the kids began marching into the large gym in Heréd, a young boy named Ákos approached me. I grabbed his shoulder with a smile and asked if he remembered us. Ákos, also smiling said, “You guys have been doing this for so long. I remember when I first saw you in preschool, then in middle school in Selyp and now here in Heréd.” I asked Ákos what his thoughts were about God and he said that he believed. When I asked if he had much opportunity at home to talk about God with his family he lowered his head and said, “No, not really.” Sadly, the majority of these kids would most likely give the same answer. It has been our experience in PetÅ‘fibánya that the great majority of our body is composed of first generation Christians who had no support or fellow believers in their family. Because of the new open doors in Heréd, we will most likely have an opportunity to meet Ákos again.

After the show in Heréd, Miki overheard some of the teachers saying that the show really made clear the true message of Easter. Praise God for the team in Budapest that designs these puppet shows and equips teams like ours to take the message of Jesus Christ’s death for our sins and resurrection from the dead to public schools throughout Hungary.

Above: This road from Heréd to Nagykökényes ended up being an obstacle course with deep potholes as the road showed severe wear and tear from the previous winter months.

Above: Almost there.

Above: After painting some imaginary eggs with the kids, Miki teaches the kids this year’s song which goes through a progression of singing gospel truths.

Above: Over the past two days we have noticed that the kids are paying attention to Miki as he presents the gospel. This is not always the case every year and we often encounter distractions and a rising level of talking when the time for this important teaching comes. Please continue to pray for the most important part of our show where MIki shares the gospel.
• Please pray for Miki, Roger and Allen who are suffering from the remnants of a cold (sinus infection).
• Please pray for Roger’s daughter Emily who had trouble sleeping last night.
• Pray for Ákos, the young boy we met in Heréd. Pray that when we return to Heréd for other outreaches that we would meet again.
Thanks for your support!

Above: Driving up to Heréd’s public school for today’s Easter Puppet Ministry.

Above: Kids helping set up the gym for the show.
Over the past year we have seen God at work in Heréd. Most of you know that a woman named Marcsi from Heréd called our team asking if we could hold discussions about our faith with the community. Marcsi is not a believer but has gone out of her way to organize events where we can share the truth of God’s word in her small town. God is drawing people to Himself and it is our hope that the seeds we plant in these towns will grow by His grace.

Above: Ákos. As we were unpacking and the kids began marching into the large gym in Heréd, a young boy named Ákos approached me. I grabbed his shoulder with a smile and asked if he remembered us. Ákos, also smiling said, “You guys have been doing this for so long. I remember when I first saw you in preschool, then in middle school in Selyp and now here in Heréd.” I asked Ákos what his thoughts were about God and he said that he believed. When I asked if he had much opportunity at home to talk about God with his family he lowered his head and said, “No, not really.” Sadly, the majority of these kids would most likely give the same answer. It has been our experience in PetÅ‘fibánya that the great majority of our body is composed of first generation Christians who had no support or fellow believers in their family. Because of the new open doors in Heréd, we will most likely have an opportunity to meet Ákos again.

After the show in Heréd, Miki overheard some of the teachers saying that the show really made clear the true message of Easter. Praise God for the team in Budapest that designs these puppet shows and equips teams like ours to take the message of Jesus Christ’s death for our sins and resurrection from the dead to public schools throughout Hungary.

Above: This road from Heréd to Nagykökényes ended up being an obstacle course with deep potholes as the road showed severe wear and tear from the previous winter months.

Above: Almost there.

Above: After painting some imaginary eggs with the kids, Miki teaches the kids this year’s song which goes through a progression of singing gospel truths.

Above: Over the past two days we have noticed that the kids are paying attention to Miki as he presents the gospel. This is not always the case every year and we often encounter distractions and a rising level of talking when the time for this important teaching comes. Please continue to pray for the most important part of our show where MIki shares the gospel.
• Please pray for Miki, Roger and Allen who are suffering from the remnants of a cold (sinus infection).
• Please pray for Roger’s daughter Emily who had trouble sleeping last night.
• Pray for Ákos, the young boy we met in Heréd. Pray that when we return to Heréd for other outreaches that we would meet again.
Thanks for your support!
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